DIY Christmas tree star made of cardboard

Star on the Christmas treeOn the eve of the New Year, people try to decorate their home as comfortably as possible. And every year I want to do it in a new way. It’s easy to do this without even buying New Year’s paraphernalia in stores. You can make decorations for the Christmas tree yourself. You will get beautiful and original products even from ordinary cardboard. In addition, such jewelry can be given to someone, because gifts made with your own hands are especially appreciated.

How to make a star for a Christmas tree from cardboard

Traditionally, the Christmas tree is decorated not only with balls, but also with stars. They especially often decorate the top of the holiday tree. Previously, a seven-pointed star was placed in this place, symbolizing Bethlehem. In the twentieth century, five-pointed red decorations, like the stars on the Kremlin towers, were widely used for these purposes.

Such Christmas tree decorations are easy to make from cardboard, and then decorate them as soon as your heart desires. In addition to the classic version with a voluminous five-pointed star, you can make six, seven and eight-pointed ones.Star on the Christmas tree

What materials and tools will be needed

To make the star itself you need to prepare:

  1. Thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.
  4. In some cases, for example, to make carved holes, a stationery knife will come in handy.

Suitable for decorating the product:

  1. Glitter.
  2. Paints.
  3. Beads.
  4. Rhinestones.
  5. Sequins.
  6. Lace.
  7. Foil.
  8. Twine.

Reference! You can immediately use decorative cardboard with a holographic or some kind of New Year's pattern. Then you can do without additional decor altogether. It will also save time.

DIY cardboard star for a Christmas tree: step by step

There are several ways to make stars from cardboard. The simplest but most effective star options are presented below.


  1. To make it, just cut out a star of any shape from thick cardboard.
  2. Then decorate it using colored paper, an old postcard, twine, and ribbon.


This is the easiest way to make a Christmas tree decoration.

  1. Draw a five-pointed star on cardboard in duplicate (it’s easier to do this using a ready-made template printed on a printer). It will be more beautiful to use cardboard of two colors for this.
  2. Carefully cut out the blanks using scissors or a stationery knife.
  3. Then you need to make a slot from the top to the middle of the star on one workpiece.
  4. Similarly, cut a line on the second workpiece, only from below, also to the middle.
  5. Pass one piece into the other through the slots.Star on the Christmas tree diagram


For this option, it is better to print a template taken from the Internet. Or you can manually draw a drawing. It should be a five-pointed star with sections for gluing on each side. You need two of these templates to make one product.

  1. Each ray of the star must be bent in the middle towards the center. So it will turn out voluminous.
  2. Do this with the other half.
  3. Glue them together using glue points.
  4. Glue a string on top of the product.

Reference! In order to be able to put such a star on the top of the tree, you need to make a hole at the bottom of it, or glue cardboard rolled into a cone. By the way, this same option can be glued together from individual rays.

Star on the Christmas tree

Flat made of twine

  1. You can draw a template by depicting a large star with a small one inside, or by taking the required option on the Internet.
  2. Cut out the inside using a utility knife.
  3. Glue the beginning of the twine to the workpiece and wrap it properly over the entire area.
  4. Carefully tuck the tip of the twine inside and glue it.
  5. Add decorative elements cut from felt or something else.
  6. Tie a ribbon so that you can hang the product on the tree.

Double compound

This option is a little more complicated than the previous one. To make it, you need to print a template downloaded from the Internet. You can try to draw it by depicting a triangle with notches on each side. You will need two such triangles.

  1. The triangle is bent from three sides to the center.
  2. The two workpieces are connected to each other using notches.Star on the Christmas tree

Eight-pointed volumetric

  1. You need to take a square of cardboard and fold it in half to make a triangle. Then fold it in half too.
  2. Unfold the cardboard and find four small squares formed by the fold lines.
  3. Each square must be cut from four sides to the middle.
  4. Then fold these cut squares towards the center so that you get a triangle (the side of the finished star).
  5. Make another eight-pointed star in this way.
  6. Glue them together so that they form an eight-pointed one.

From fabric

  1. A star of any shape and size is cut out of cardboard.
  2. The workpiece must be covered with fabric and stuffed with padding polyester.
  3. Decorate the product with beads, sequins, rhinestones, and lace.Star on the Christmas tree

Using quilling technique

The most common corrugated cardboard is suitable for production.

  1. Measure out five strips of cardboard of the same size - 2.5 by 70 cm and one 2.5 by 9 cm.
  2. Twist identical strips into curls and glue the ends.
  3. Next, you should give the curls the shape of an eye: to do this, you need to squeeze them on both sides.
  4. Then on the other two sides you need to compress the workpieces in the same way. You should end up with an irregularly shaped diamond shape (like a kite).
  5. Next, you need to glue these diamonds together so that the long sides stick out.
  6. In the center of the product you need to glue a tight curl of cardboard from a short strip.
  7. Decorate the product with ribbon.

There is also another way to create a star using the quilling technique. Production time will take about 20 minutes.

  1. You will need strips 1.5 cm wide: five long and five shorter.
  2. The strip is twisted at one end using a quilling tool or a wooden skewer. But you don’t need to twist it completely, leaving a straight tip.
  3. Then you need to take another strip and glue it to the curl on the inside. This should create a petal with a spiral inside.
  4. You need to make five such petals.
  5. Then glue them together with the wide part so that you get a star.
  6. All that remains is to hang it on the ribbon.Star on the Christmas tree


Any of the proposed options can be decorated at your discretion. Silver stars look very original - to do this you just need to cover them with foil. Also, cardboard toys are perfectly decorated using decoupage. A simpler option: use old New Year's cards, a newspaper, or even a musical score to paste the product. Such toys on the Christmas tree are made in a retro style.For variety, you can try decorating the entire tree this way.

Those who like brighter and sparkling Christmas tree decorations will love glitter and rhinestones. Also suitable for this are a variety of decorative buttons, which can be found in a store with goods for sewing or handicrafts.

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