Sewage smell from the bath: how to get rid of it

Many women, in order to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house, constantly clean and wash all surfaces. But it often happens that not a single advertised product helps to cope with the smell of sewage from the bathroom. When no air freshener helps and a fetid odor spreads throughout the apartment, you should turn to the causes of the “aroma” and ways to eliminate it.

Sewage smell from the bath: how to get rid of it

Why does the bathroom smell like sewer?

Increased levels of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the air lead to a number of complex diseases, as well as a deterioration in the quality of life of household members, sleep disturbances, and contributes to increased irritability and nervous breakdowns.

To determine the cause of an unpleasant odor, you need to understand the plumbing system in the bathroom and throughout the house. The main pipe, the riser, receives waste from all apartments in an apartment building. All drains from plumbing fixtures located in the living area are drained there.


Plumbing fixtures with siphons and drain pipes are constantly filled with water, which ensures a reliable water seal. The appearance of odor is caused by the partial or complete disappearance of water from the pipes. The smell quickly enters the bathroom, and from there spreads throughout the apartment.

Experts identify several other reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant odors in the apartment:

  • initially incorrect installation of sewer and waste pipes;
  • incorrect angle of inclination of sewer pipes;
  • malfunction of the siphon;
  • leaks in pipes;
  • poor quality ventilation system;
  • blockages in pipes.

Important! If the cause of the smell is improper installation of plumbing fixtures, you should redo the installation efficiently by contacting professional craftsmen.


For other reasons for the occurrence of a killer “aroma,” you can easily cope with the problem on your own. Basic precautions in the form of a mesh on the bathtub drain and constant cleaning can minimize the risks of blockages and sewer odor.

Ways to get rid of sewer smell

The first thing apartment owners should do is to determine the cause of the unpleasant odor. If there is a problem with the installation, then you should contact a professional. If the reason lies in a malfunction of the hood or depressurization of pipes, you can try to fix the problem yourself.


A person must soberly assess his own abilities. If you do not have the desire or skills to do such work, it is better to contact a professional workshop, where they will certainly help solve the problem of an unpleasant odor throughout the apartment.

There are several situations when the help of a plumber is necessary:

  • improper installation (irregularities during the installation of plumbing and ventilation can lead to the spread of a terrifying “aroma”; the system will have to be completely redone);
  • lack of proper exhaust (it’s very easy to check, just attach a sheet of paper to the grille of the ventilation shaft - it should be attracted by air currents).

If the owners decide to change the old system to a new one, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.This will give lasting confidence in the quality and durability of the work done.


If the cause of the stench is a clogged drain, leaking pipes or other simple problems, you can deal with them yourself using traditional methods. There are quite a few of them, and each housewife can choose the one that suits her specifically.

First you need to determine the location of the blockage. This can be done by checking the drain in the bathroom, sink, or toilet. Only after this is it recommended to use cleaning products, including traditional ones.

Our grandparents, mothers and fathers did not have the opportunity to use expensive cleaning products and used improvised products to effectively clear the bathtub of blockages:

  • table salt (just pour a large amount of salt into the drain pipe, and after a couple of hours rinse with a stream of hot water);Salt
  • table vinegar + baking soda (for cleaning you will need 5-6 tablespoons of baking soda, which are also poured into the bathtub drain, then pour in table vinegar in a thin stream, trying not to damage the enamel; closing the drain with a stopper, leave overnight; in the morning it will be enough to rinse drain with plenty of warm water);Vinegar and soda
  • Alka-Seltzer tablets (pop the effervescent tablets directly into the drain pipe and pour in a thin stream of table vinegar, two minutes is enough for the dirt to easily come off; rinse with plenty of warm water).Alka-Seltzer

Important! The ventilation system also needs to be thoroughly checked and any problems corrected, if any.

The slightest doubt in your own abilities should be a reason to invite a professional plumber. Only an experienced professional can guarantee the removal of sewer smell from your apartment.

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