Bath height

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine comfortable and comfortable living in modern apartments without a bath. Now the market offers various types of them - cast iron, steel or acrylic. But this is not the most basic and important thing. Imagine you bought it and brought it home. The question immediately arises: at what height and how to install? This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

What bathtub height is considered standard?

In order to safely use a washing bowl, it is necessary not only to select it correctly, but also to install it correctly. When installing, you must remember that the standard height from the floor to its upper edge is 50–70 centimeters. Everything will depend on the depth of the bowl, and it is usually from 50 to 65 centimeters.Bathroom dimensions.

Attention! If the bathtub is located at a height of more than 70 cm from the floor, its use will be accompanied by discomfort, and, even worse, can lead to injury. It will become simply dangerous to use it.

You can use the podium to enter. It can be made using various building materials, such as brick. It will look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

Let's consider the indicators that need to be taken into account if you yourself have undertaken the installation of a cast iron or bathtub made of another material:

  1. Its depth. If this parameter is 55 cm, then there should be at least 15 cm from the bottom to the floor. Why is this space needed? It is necessary for installing a siphon and other plumbing devices.
  2. Man's height.It will be inconvenient for a person 150 cm tall to raise his leg higher than 70 cm. A comfortable bowl height for a tall person is no less than 65–70 centimeters to the top edge.
  3. Family composition. It is also necessary to take into account the cohabitation of elderly and children. In this case, it is recommended to install the structure at a distance from the floor of no more than 50 cm. With this installation, the possibility of injury is significantly reduced.
  4. Her weight. For example, cast iron washing bowls, due to their greater mass, should not be installed close to the floor surface.

Optimal height from the edge of the bathtub to the floor: installation standard

Considering all of the above, you can easily determine what height is optimal. It will be equal to 60 centimeters, since this figure is the safest. It will be convenient to enter a bathtub installed at this height without risk.

If the bathtub has adjustable legs, then after installing them it is necessary to carry out a small test. Let all family members try to climb into it. If everyone is comfortable, then the height of the legs is chosen correctly.The height of the bathtub from the floor is standard.

Now the rooms of almost all apartments have standard sizes and the bathtubs are made of almost the same dimensions. The height of the bathtub depends on the installation method. It can be installed on a base, which can be a brick foundation, adjustable legs or a metal frame. All of the above is important for installing plumbing equipment. If the bowl has a small wall thickness, then in this case it is recommended to install it on a metal base - this way the structure can be raised and fixed to any height.

In order for the use of the bathtub to bring comfort and pleasure, it is very important to maintain the specified parameters from the floor, no matter where it is located: against the wall or in the middle of the room.This indicator is not affected by either the shape or the material of manufacture. Remember: installing a bathtub in your apartment is a very responsible and very difficult task.

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