Quaril bath: pros and cons

A bathtub made of quaril is a new product on the construction market, but it has already gained the trust of buyers, and the material is considered unique and has good performance characteristics. Later in the article we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of this type of product.

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What is quaril?

Quaril is a development of the European manufacturer Villeroy & Boch.

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This is a unique composite material, which is based on:

  • quartz sand (60%), which ensures reliability, wear resistance and rigidity of the finished material;
  • acrylic resins: quartz particles are enclosed in an acrylic shell, and the spaces between the grains are filled with a mixture of acrylic and additional impurities;
  • environmentally friendly polymer additives (responsible for flexibility at the processing stage).

Initially, the material was created for the repair of plumbing products. After a detailed study, they began to make full-fledged bathtubs and stands for cabins from it.

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Attention! Bathtub manufacturers are responsible for the quality of their products and provide a 10-year warranty.

Properties of quaril baths

The material is flexible and flexible in processing, which makes it possible to create interesting shapes. However, the resulting product is hard and dense. This expands possible installation options and ensures safe hygienic procedures. Wall thickness varies from 8 to 18 mm.

The developer especially emphasizes the absence of a porous structure, which facilitates the process of cleaning the surface. Baths are cast in special matrices. A big plus is that they have the same thickness and are completely seamless. Special patented additives improve elasticity, sound insulation, add gloss and smoothness, and provide the material with anti-slip characteristics.

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Important! Kvaril has passed the necessary tests and meets all European safety and environmental standards.


The quarry bathtub not only took all the best from the acrylic bathtub, but also got rid of some of its imperfections.

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The advantages are as follows:

  1. Stability and strength of the structure. The bottom thickness is 25 mm. Does not require installation of a power frame.
  2. It is possible to create different design options: round, oval, angular, with a beveled side, hexagonal.
  3. Low thermal conductivity is comparable only to the properties of cast iron products. The water cools slowly, and the surface is pleasant to the touch and always remains warm.
  4. Variety of colors.
  5. The coating is not sensitive to scratches.
  6. Good sound insulation: the sound of flowing water is almost inaudible.
  7. Most types have hydromassage installations.
  8. Not afraid of corrosion and treatment with household chemicals.
  9. Light weight, facilitating transportation and installation work.
  10. It is possible to install headrests and other devices to improve user comfort.

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Reference! The material of the bathtub allows the mixer to be installed directly on the side edge.

Disadvantages of quaril

One of the significant disadvantages of these products is their high price, which is not affordable for everyone. It will differ significantly from similar models made from other raw materials.This is explained by the fact that there is practically no competition in this segment - quaryl baths are produced only in Europe. In terms of strength, the material is significantly inferior to steel and cast iron. However, in everyday conditions it is almost impossible to damage it.

Buyers note that if you leave the bathtub filled with boiling water often and for a long time, then over time it can become deformed. Some modifications do not have a drain hole, so the kit includes a stencil and a nozzle for drilling yourself.

Designers see a disadvantage in the fact that it is impossible to choose a set consisting of a bathtub, toilet, sink and bidet made of the same material. It takes a lot of time to find items that match the style. Currently, only bathtubs and trays for cabins are produced from quaril.

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Thanks to constantly changing technologies and a large assortment, customers have a choice. A bathtub made of quaril is considered an innovative development, which in many ways surpasses its acrylic predecessor. Such a product can last quite a long time without losing its original appearance.

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