The faucet in the mixer does not open well: causes and solutions to the problem

The mixer creates comfort and all the necessary amenities in the bathroom and kitchen. However, there are situations when it fails. Therefore, it is important to know how you can solve various problems, since it is not always profitable to call a handyman or plumber.

One of the most common problems is the faucet handle not turning. What to do in such a situation? Let's look at these questions in detail and try to answer them.

Why is the faucet tap difficult to open?

There are a huge number of reasons why a faucet may not open well. One of the most common is dirty water. Its various elements can get stuck between the parts of the mixer, which ultimately plays the role of a brake or stopper for them.

Also, rough movement can occur due to mechanical damage to individual components of the mixer. In addition, the elements may simply become obsolete, that is, their service life has come to an end and they can no longer function normally.

Mixer repair.

In each case, there is no need to run to the store and buy new plumbing fixtures. Any of these problems can be fixed.

To ensure that your faucet doesn't bother you for as long as possible, buy well-known brands. It will not be superfluous to properly care for your equipment. The performance and service life of the mixer also depend on it.

What to do if the faucet tap is difficult to turn

First of all, you need to remove the mixer and disassemble it to eliminate the cause of the breakdown. After this, clean all parts. First of all, the cartridge. Next, you need to assemble the mixer and check it for functionality.

Disassembled mixer.

Please note an important nuance: all these manipulations should be done only if you understand plumbing and have the skills to do such work. Otherwise, a repair attempt may result in another breakdown and, worst of all, complete inoperability of the plumbing fixture.

If the problem arose due to dirty water, then thorough rinsing and cleaning of all elements of the device will help correct the situation. After cleansing, all mechanisms begin to work correctly. There are two main methods for washing:

  1. Using detergent. Mix hot water and mild detergent in a small bowl. Place all the elements in it and rinse. If you find old stains, you can wipe them with paste using a toothbrush. After this, rinse all elements under warm running water.
  2. Using chemicals. Wear gloves and use a special limescale remover. It will cope with any contamination. If it is not there, then ordinary table vinegar will help, but it cannot be used on iron parts. Dampen a cloth and lightly apply it to the faucet elements. After this, leave all the parts for 30 minutes, and after this time, rinse everything thoroughly with clean water.

In the second case, the main thing is not to use a large amount of chemicals or vinegar, as they can damage the parts and elements of the faucet.

If the mixer's performance problem is related to mechanical faults, then it is important to understand which element needs repair. To do this, you will also have to disassemble the faucet and study in detail all the components and components, and then replace the faulty one with a new one.

Installation of a faucet on a sink.

During operation of the mixer, the lubricant may dry out, which helps make the tap turn smoother. If for this reason it becomes difficult to turn, then the problem can be solved in just a couple of minutes by re-lubricating all the necessary elements.

Use only high-quality lubricant. Products of unknown origin can only harm the elements or dry out quickly, blocking all the holes, and thereby completely render the plumbing fixture unusable.

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