How much does a shower cabin weigh?

Modern bathrooms are replete with an abundance of various plumbing fixtures. And if in Soviet times everyone got by with bathtubs, now many people prefer showers. It is noteworthy that the shower cabin is a rather large structure, much larger than a bathtub. Naturally, transporting such a device is quite a difficult task. Therefore, it is natural that the question may arise about the weight of this object. Let's try to determine exactly how much a shower stall weighs.

How much does a shower cabin weigh?

The question often arises about the weight of a conventional shower stall. Here it should be noted that there is no concept of a “regular” or, on the contrary, “unusual” cabin. All of them have standard dimensions. Therefore, you should first find out the type of product and its dimensions.

When purchasing a product, the client receives several cardboard boxes. The number of these boxes is affected by the type of device.Packaged shower cabin.

Reference! The assembled shower cabin weighs from eighty to ninety kilograms. Moreover, each individual packaging box weighs thirty kilograms.

All these parameters are very approximate, since we are not talking about a specific model.

Considering the average weight of the product, we can safely say that the purchase can be easily transported to any floor.

The dimensions of the boxes allow them to be placed inside the elevator without any problems.

Modern elevators are capable of lifting up to 450 kilograms, which is much more than the weight of the cabin and the person himself. If you are in doubt or have difficulties, you can transport the shower stall separately in a box.

In a word, if the purchase has already been made, then there will not be any special difficulties in delivering it to the apartment.

Why do you need to know the weight of plumbing fixtures?

Actually, why is it so necessary to know how much a plumbing fixture weighs? And is such information necessary at all? You need to know this, and here's why:

  • information about the exact mass allows you to calculate the forces during transportation;
  • the weight of the device affects the requirements for fixation and fastening;
  • weight is one of the indicators of quality - if a product is light in weight and has large dimensions, then it is not stable and is most likely made of thin material.Assembled shower cabin.

That is why you should not underestimate this parameter.

How to find out what weight a pallet is designed for

Considering that a shower stall can be used by people of all sizes, it is very important to know how much weight the shower tray can support.

Most showers are not able to withstand heavy loads - their trays can lose shape, crack, which, accordingly, will affect the appearance of the product, and in the worst case, it will completely fail.

Overweight people should choose spacious cabins with a low tray. Of the variety of pallet options, it is better to choose a solid one. It is able to withstand considerable weight, and at the same time act as a support for the cabin.

Large cabins are often supplied with reinforced pallets.

If the pallet has a reinforced frame, then this model can easily withstand a weight of up to 210 kilograms.

If we talk about plastic pallets, then, more than likely, we are talking about acrylic cabins. The best quality pallets are made from cast acrylic. Such products consist entirely of this material. WITHThe most durable pallets - the thickness of acrylic in which reaches six millimeters. This allows it to withstand weights of up to a ton.

In other words, to determine the loads that pallets can withstand, you need to pay attention to the material, as well as the thickness of the layer of this material. Naturally, the presence of a frame is also an important factor.

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