How much does a cast iron bath weigh?

A bathtub made of cast iron is a classic plumbing option. It was from this material that bathtubs began to be made on an industrial scale.

Despite the emergence of other, more modern materials, cast iron bowls do not lose their popularity. This is explained by the undeniable advantages of the products. But they also have a number of disadvantages. One of them is the mass of the product.

Soviet era cast iron bathtub weight standard

The Soviet Union did not have a wide range of materials for the manufacture of plumbing fixtures. Therefore, it was in the USSR that cast iron products were more widespread than in other countries.

In the USSR, uniform standards for the bowl were adopted - dimensions, weight. This information is indicated in GOST. Thus, the standard size of a cast iron bathtub is 1500 × 700 mm.

There were three tank options:

  1. Cast iron bathtub (HF) is an enameled cast iron model.
  2. An upgraded cast iron bathtub is an improved option.
  3. Lightweight cast iron bathtub is a lighter version of the modernized model.

Finding out which tank is in your home is quite simple - you need to carefully examine the sides of the product and find the stamp. It will contain all the necessary information.Cast iron bath.

Reference! According to standards, the permissible error is a weight fluctuation of 5 kg down or up.

A bowl with standard dimensions of 1500 × 700 mm weighs from 100 to 120 kg.

But besides the standard length of 1500 mm, there are other options.Therefore, their mass will depend on the length of the product:

  • 1700 × 700 mm - 118-125 kg;
  • 1800 × 700 mm - 129-135 kg.

How much do modern models of cast iron bathtubs weigh?

Older tank models had thicker walls. With the development of technology, it has become possible to produce sanitary ware with thinner walls. This does not affect the main characteristics of the bowl.

Therefore, to find out the exact weight of the model, you should familiarize yourself with the year of manufacture of the product. This information is indicated on a stamp that can be found on the sides of the tank.

Modern manufacturers have expanded their line of cast iron bathtubs. The length of the product remains unchanged, but the width ranges from 700 to 850 mm.

The weight of a bowl with a standard width of 700 mm, depending on the length, will be:

  • 1500 × 700 - 80-90 kg;
  • 1700 × 700 - 95-110 kg;
  • 1800 × 700 - 115-125 kg.

The most popular models of plumbing fixtures, the length of which is 1700 mm. This is the most common option. But, in addition to the standard width of 700 mm, such bowls can be 750, 800 and 850 mm wide. Therefore, the mass of the product will depend on this indicator:

  • 1700 × 750 - 110-125 kg;
  • 1700 × 800 - 125-140 kg;
  • 1700 × 850 - 135-140 kg.

If the bathroom has a large area, then tanks measuring 1800 × 800 mm or more are often installed in it. The weight of such models can reach 450 kg. Moreover, this is the mass of the bowl itself, without taking into account the mass of water and people. When purchasing such a model, you need to carefully inspect the base - it must support the weight of the product.Modern cast iron bathtub.

Attention! Bathtubs with a large weight are prohibited from being installed in houses with wooden floors - often the floors are not designed for such a mass.

Why are cast iron bathtubs so heavy?

The large weight of the tanks is explained by the characteristics of the material. Cast iron is a heavy alloy. The density of the substance is 7200 kg per cubic meter. In addition, the material contains a large amount of carbon. This makes cast iron brittle.

To prevent the plumbing from becoming deformed, it is made with thick walls. This explains the considerable mass of the product.

The heavy weight of plumbing fixtures can be both a plus and a minus. It depends on the individual preferences of buyers. Therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to evaluate all the characteristics of the product and think through the nuances - after all, purchasing plumbing fixtures is quite an expensive undertaking.

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