Bathtub enamel coating
If repairs are already underway, then an irresistible desire arises to restore order everywhere. The bathroom also comes under our scrutiny. Now the walls have a new coating, the ceiling is magnificent, the plumbing is all new... But the bathtub remains old, with yellow spots and chips. Replacing it is a bit expensive. But there are no hopeless situations. The old coating can be easily restored - it will cost much less than replacing the entire bathtub. You don't even need to invite professionals.
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Benefits of bathtub refinishing
You need to spend a considerable amount of money to buy a bathtub. Especially if it is good plumbing, for example, made of cast iron. You can buy an inexpensive one made of metal. But it is too problematic - filling with water is accompanied by sounds that all the neighbors “enjoy”. Especially when you consider that sound insulation in our homes is far from ideal.
In addition, the new bath still needs to be installed, and before that the old one needs to be dismantled. Easier said than done. This kind of work is always quite dirty. It will be practically impossible for a woman to cope with it in general. But applying a new layer of enamel is a task that anyone can handle.
Important! If the damaged area is not repaired in time, the resulting rust will cause irreparable harm. Then you definitely can’t do without buying a new bathtub.
It is clear that it is impossible to recreate factory technology in your apartment. And ideal enamel restoration cannot be achieved either. However, you can reapply it, and this will give the bath a more beautiful look and will not require additional costs.
Reference! A self-applied coating differs from a factory-applied one. It doesn't last that long. You need to handle it carefully - it is less resistant to damage.
What is needed to enamel a bathtub?
To feel like a bathtub restorer, you need to purchase the following equipment and tools:
- respirator;
- brush and roller for applying enamel;
- latex gloves;
- grinding machine;
- rags;
- primer;
- acetone;
- actually, bath enamel.
You should also stock up on special clothing.
Today, in any hardware store you can easily buy a wide variety of bath enamels, they can be professional grade, as well as for home-grown restorers like us. If you are trying to restore a bathtub for the first time, purchase a simple option.
IMPORTANT! For restoration work, compositions intended for application with a brush are best suited - they adhere very well to the old coating and are easy to use. Aerosols are more useful if there is a small chip. The enamel comes out of the aerosol can unevenly. A restoration kit, as a rule, consists of two elements: the enamel itself and a hardener for it. You will also need a product to pre-prepare the bath. By renewing the enamel, you can repaint the bathtub. You just need to add the dye of the desired color.
Of the variety of bath enameling products, the following can be distinguished:
- Reflex-50. This is a professional kit.It has a very liquid consistency, so it will be difficult for a novice restorer to work with it. In order to hide the old layer, you need to apply several new ones. The whole process takes a week. The duration of the procedure is explained by the fact that each layer must be dried. It takes a long time, but the result is worth it.
- "Svetlana" and "Fantasy". The most suitable compositions for self-application. They do not spread during operation. The compositions are easy to apply with a brush. Each set includes a preparation for pre-treatment of the bath. Dyes can be used with these enamels.
- Epoxin-51. This is a very thick and viscous composition. Due to its thickness, the composition is quite difficult to use, but at the same time it applies easily and does not leave unsightly smudges. No preliminary putty is needed. It takes two days to dry.
- Self-leveling acrylic. This product, in fact, is not enamel. They are good for restoring bathtubs - you can simply pour them onto the surface.
Types of bath enamel
All existing types of bath enamels differ in the following parameters:
- Compound. There are different compositions for painting bathtubs in stores. They are divided into two categories. Compositions based on epoxy resins and acrylic. Acrylic is more expensive than epoxy resins, but it has a longer shelf life and is odorless.
- Application. The compositions can be applied using brushes and rollers, or simply by pouring them onto the surface. Aerosol cans are used to remove small chips.
- Completeness. For convenient and high-quality work, it is better to use ready-made kits. Their composition, as a rule, includes: the main element, hardeners, dye, putty and sandpaper.
- Color. Most compositions are white, but with the help of dyes you can easily achieve any color.
- Price. The cheapest composition is epoxy enamels. Aerosol cans are a little more expensive, acrylic is one of the most expensive.
- Life time. Dyes in aerosol cans last no more than two years, epoxy enamels can last up to seven, and acrylic - fifteen years.
Enamels based on epoxy resin are quite easy to use and inexpensive. They contain two or three components. It is an epoxy resin, thickener and plasticizer. You need to apply the enamel with a brush, in several stages. Each layer must be given time to completely harden.
Advantages of epoxy resin enamels:
- Low cost. Compared to other compounds, epoxy enamels are quite cheap.
- Convenient to apply. Due to its thickness, the enamel is easy to apply, while filling all irregularities and cracks.
- Long service life. If the bathtub is used particularly intensively, the epoxy enamel coating will last up to seven years.
- Ease of use. This is the easiest option for DIY bathtub repair. The enamel is easy to apply and takes a long time to set, which gives time for comfortable work.
- Particular strength. The coating comes into easy contact with liquid. Not afraid of impacts and mechanical damage. The layer remains intact.
Acrylic enamels are among the modern means for updating plumbing fixtures. They allow you to obtain a smooth and glossy coating up to six millimeters thick, which is quite resistant to damage. Acrylic enamels consist of two components - acrylic itself and a thickener. Their main difference from epoxy compounds is their greater ductility and fluidity.Acrylic is applied with a brush or poured.
Advantages of acrylic enamels:
- Persistence. Applied acrylic lasts up to fifteen years.
- Self-cleaning. The acrylic coating is smooth and non-porous, dirt does not accumulate on it.
- Ease of maintenance. To keep a bathtub with an acrylic coating in its pure form, it is enough to wash it once a week with a soapy solution, and after use, rinse and dry.
- Wear resistance. Since the coating layer is quite thick, it resists wear well even with active use.
- Aesthetic appearance. The acrylic-based coating is very smooth and does not turn yellow over time.
- Color variety. Using dyes, acrylic can be painted in any color.
- Environmental friendliness. Acrylic has no odor and is non-toxic; this coating can be used even if there are children in the house.
How to enamel a bathtub at home
When starting work on the restoration of a home bath, you must comply with the following conditions:
- first of all, the bathtub is cleaned of the old coating - for this you can use a grinder with a flat metal attachment;
- once the coating is completely removed, the surface is cleaned of grease;
- then the degreasing agent is removed from the surface;
- The enamel is applied in an even layer - the first layer serves as a primer;
- As soon as the primer layer dries, the final layer is applied - you need to work slowly and carefully.
This technique will create a layer of six millimeters. If all the technology is followed correctly, the coating will last up to ten years.