Why you shouldn't leave towels in the bathroom

Some items that are intended for use in the bathroom and stored there can be seriously damaged by the humidity in the room. Moreover, some of them, such as towels, can even become hazardous to health. Let's figure out why.Towel storage.

Why it's better not to store towels in the bathroom

A towel is an item of personal everyday hygiene. Naturally, after use it becomes wet and requires drying. It is quite logical that after getting wet, we hang it to dry on a hanger or on a heated towel rail. But in reality, this is absolutely impossible to do.

Important! High humidity promotes the growth of various microorganisms in the pile of towels. Their activities can be harmful to health.

That is why it is recommended to take the used towel into the room, or better yet, onto the balcony, where it can dry freely in the fresh air. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to store clean towels in the bathroom. If the stack of terry products is too large and they are stacked tightly together, mold will soon appear in the items.

It is better to dry towels on the balcony.

The reason for the proliferation of microorganisms and the formation of mold is the too warm and humid climate in this room. No hoods or fans can change it. You can only slightly improve the atmosphere in the bathroom.

It is better to store towels in a closet, which is located in another room, on a shelf specially designated for this. This is the only way terry products will last a long time and remain safe for the health of household members.

What else should not be left in the bathroom

Girls often forget that the bathroom is not a place to store various household items. Not only towels are found inside:

  • cosmetics;
  • electrical appliances for personal use;
  • medicines;
  • cosmetics;
  • Jewelry;
  • washcloths and hair ties.Cosmetics, washcloths, medicines in the bathroom.

Almost everyone has a cup of toothbrushes and razors in their bathroom. All these things should not be in the bathroom. Otherwise, the room will become a real breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

Important! Doctors never tire of saying that old washcloths are dangerous to health. They wear out quickly and become an ideal habitat for bacteria. Therefore, you need to change a synthetic fiber washcloth at least once every four months, and a natural one every six months.

Constant exposure to moisture can cause jewelry to fade or darken. It is better to put your favorite rings and earrings on a shelf in the bedroom. To prevent them from getting lost, you need to purchase a beautiful box for them.

Medicines stored on a shelf in the bathroom also quickly become unusable due to sudden temperature changes and high humidity. It is dangerous to health if a person suddenly decides to take a spoiled or expired tablet. The medications should be placed in a special box and placed in the room.

By following these simple recommendations, you don’t have to worry about your health and the safety of your items in their original form.

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