Pros and cons of cast marble bathtubs

Cast marble - sounds solid! True, it is difficult to imagine the process of casting stone, although a bathtub made of such material looks solid and noble. What is this product actually made of? Analysis of the manufacturing technology and an idea of ​​the “correct” composition will help you not to miss the choice of bathtub.

Educational program on cast marble

Natural marble, of course, could not be avoided - it is present in the composition in the form of crumbs left over from grinding defective slabs or pieces of stone after the manufacture of various items. The crumbs, ground almost into flour, are mixed with resins, which should not be more than a fifth of the entire composition. Only a deviation within 2% is considered acceptable, otherwise the performance properties of the bath will deteriorate.

Important! Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers “chemically” replace the crumbs with quartz sand (or dilute the composition required by technology with it). But this porous material is not capable of becoming the basis for a durable product, and when trying to cut a hole for the drain, chips will form, and cracks will spread across the entire surface of the bowl.

white bathtub made of cast marble

The production technology includes a number of stages:

  • preparation of formwork: the material will be poured into an exact shape - the more accurately, the better and more expensive. Important! At this stage It is necessary to apply gelcoat to the walls of the mold - this mixture will provide the bowl with a smooth and durable protective layer.Neglecting this procedure will not allow you to get a quality product. Dye must be immediately added to the gelcoat: if you paint the bathtub on top of all layers, you will not get a uniform color throughout the thickness of the coating, and in the future the process of repairing the bathtub will become more complicated.
  • the finished mixture is poured into the mold in compliance with the requirements for temperature (18-23°) and humidityand - otherwise the composition is deformed;
  • pouring is carried out under vibration, ensuring uniformity of the mixture in the space of the formwork, preventing the formation of voids;
  • the composition dries and crystallizes - while maintaining the same temperature;
  • at the final stage, when the composition has completely hardened, the formwork is removed, and the surface of the product is refined: casting defects are eliminated, the walls are ground and polished.

The cast marble bathtub is left to “simmer” a little, acquiring its final strength before installation and operation. Then it goes to the lucky owner.

Important! An exclusive custom uniform will cost more than a standard one.

cast marble bathtub

Advantages of cast marble

“Marble” bath (made according to all the canons of technology!) has a high surface strength that can withstand severe mechanical stress while remaining flat and smooth. This is facilitated by a high-quality polymer base that is resistant to abrasion. Thin walls can withstand heavy loads due to the integrity of the material structure. If a problem does occur, such as chips or scratches, the surface can be restored on the spot, without dismantling.

beige bathtub made of cast marble

Connoisseurs of comfort will be pleased with the properties of this purchase: The thermal insulation qualities of marble casting help the water to remain warm for a long time; The surface of the bathtub is pleasant to the touch. By connecting the hydromassage system, you will not encounter vibrations of the walls, as in an acrylic bathtub: cast marble successfully dampens vibrations and excess noise. Even the “tropical rain” system will not hurt your ears.

The big plus is that cast marble is easy to clean, being resistant to household chemicals, and bacteria on its surface do not have favorable conditions for reproduction.

Finally, That's very beautiful - you can order or purchase a bathtub painted to match any type of natural marble - blue, snow-white or with pink veins.

Advice! A “marble” bathtub will be irreplaceable when creating antique or Italian interiors. It will also fit into the classic style of the bathroom.


Disadvantages of the material

The main disadvantage is high price: a significant proportion of natural, albeit second-rate, material, the complexity of the manufacturing process. However, the undeniable advantages of the product justify all this.

Luxury plumbing Do not rub with abrasives — the protective coating (which itself prevents the accumulation of dirt) will be damaged.

Advice! When buying care products, carefully read the ingredients! There should be no acids. Special gels and sprays are ideal.

oval bathtub made of cast marble

Cast marble “not friendly” with water. No, you can lie in the bath for hours, but after a pleasant procedure, make sure that no puddles remain on the surface - this is fraught with the formation of yellow spots, which the operating conditions of the coating do not allow to remove with traditional lethal means.

Important! The slightest misalignment when installing the bowl will result in problems with drainage.

If you drop a heavy object into the bathtub, be prepared to incur expenses: the restoration will cost a pretty penny!

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