Pros and cons of shower cabins

An owner who wants to update the interior of a bathroom is often faced with a choice: whether to install a shower stall, and which design to prefer. Read on to learn about the types of this device, advantages and disadvantages, and selection criteria.

What types of showers are there?

The models differ in several ways. The main criteria are the degree of tightness and capacity.

The simplest and at the same time aesthetic design will be curtain doors. They do not have a roof, save space, and are suitable for the smallest baths.Sliding curtain doors.

There are several types of doors:

  1. The swing variation may take up more space if it opens outwards. Opening inward does not have this disadvantage. The part is mounted on several hinges and provides free access to the cabin.
  2. The opening on hinges works due to two components (top and bottom), and is considered to be as reliable and safe as possible.
  3. The sliding model is suitable for large-sized booths, consists of several overlapping panels, saving space.
  4. The swivel option works great in small rooms.

The next main type will be an open box; it is equipped with side walls and a pallet; a roof is not provided. The product is mounted at the installation site, placed in one of the corners or against the wall.Additionally, a hydromassage can be built in, but in general the number of functions is limited due to the lack of an upper base. The species is characterized by a low price (up to 20 thousand rubles) and compact size.Shower stall without roof.

The closed type is a monoblock equipped with a “floor” and a “ceiling”. It provides high tightness and multifunctionality (bath procedures, sauna, water massage, etc.). Instances can be of different sizes and are in the middle price segment (30–40 thousand rubles).Enclosed shower stall.

Combined variation. In it, a standard bathtub (less often a very deep tray) is connected to the walls of the cabin; the presence of a roof is determined by the specific model. In this case, you combine the ability to take water procedures in a supine position and take advantage of the benefits of a multifunctional device. However, such instances will require a large area for placement and are expensive (about 70 thousand rubles).

The base of the booth is usually a pallet. It is made from various materials.

Acrylic is the most popular: it is affordable, characterized by a variety of shapes and sizes. However, this raw material is rarely found in its pure form; its compounds with other elements acquire different properties.

Cast iron is strong and durable, but weighs a lot.

Steel is stronger and lighter in weight. There are serious disadvantages: rapid heat loss and the noise of water when it hits the surface.

Faience lasts a long time, is stable and massive. A significant flaw is that care is required during operation, because this is a fragile material.

Marble or stone conduct heat well, retain temperature for a long time, have excellent strength and maintainability. They stand out for their high price.

Walls and doors can be made of materials:

  • plastic has a short service life; after a shower, streaks remain on it;
  • Tempered glass does not require maintenance and is not affected by mold;
  • plexiglass is lightweight and highly durable, but the transparent variety is easily scratched;
  • triplex is another type of glass, characterized by durable properties and safety, but is expensive.

The products are installed on a frame made of aluminum, brass, or stainless steel.

The shapes vary between rectangular, angular and round accessories.

Another type of cabin without a pallet, as a rule, is open options. The element can be replaced with a monolithic base (made of high-quality concrete), lined with ceramics.

Cabins are divided according to the number and quality of functions; they may contain the following options:

  • an ordinary shower, its tropical and contrasting varieties;
  • hydromassage in various designs (vertical, horizontal, zonal);
  • bath procedures (Turkish bath, etc.).

Pros and cons of shower cabins

Let's consider the advantages of such devices:

  • you don’t need to wait for the water to fill up; you can start washing right away;
  • a variety of equipment functions, which may include such unusual options as radio, speakerphone, aromatherapy and light therapy;
  • the side of the tray is significantly lower than the side of the bathtub, which makes procedures easier for children and the elderly;
  • the bottom of the base does not slip, there are handrails and seats inside the cabin for convenience and safety of movement;
  • a higher base is suitable for bathing babies or washing, with minimal water consumption.

There are also negative aspects of choosing such equipment:

  • high price;
  • there is no relaxing procedure (with the exception of combined options, where you can take a regular bath);
  • water pressure determines the effectiveness of a massage or steam bath;
  • trays can be difficult to use for washing large items;
  • To avoid the appearance of plaque, after each stay in the shower you have to wipe the doors and walls from residual water.Shower cabins with various functions.

Reference! An open shower stall, in comparison with a closed one, has significant disadvantages: lack of additional functions, increased humidity, difficult access to plumbing when it needs to be repaired.

Criteria for choosing a shower cabin

First of all, let's decide on the required dimensions. We measure the bathroom space and, based on the obtained parameters, calculate how much space you are willing to allocate for new equipment.

Attention! Let us remind you once again that combined models require maximum space, closed ones are suitable for standard dimensions, open structures will take up minimal space. The sizes of products (if there is a pallet) vary - from the smallest to 150*150 cm and above.

The base is selected not only by its shape (circle, square, rectangle), but also by size. To reduce wastage of space, choose a corner or semicircular pallet that will take up minimal space.Corner shower stall.

The height of the base can vary: equal to zero (one level with the floor) or reach 0.4 m. Here it is important to focus on the position of the sewer pipe. Choosing a zero indicator will make it difficult to connect to the sewer system. Raising the floor or building a small pedestal before installation work will solve the problem here.

We select the pallet material. A budget option would be acrylic or cast iron.If funds allow, buy marble or stone.

Let's see which door to choose. If you need to save space, rotating models are suitable. To ensure good free access to the cabin, hinged and hinged versions are useful.

The best material for doors and walls would be plexiglass or tempered glass. A more expensive choice is triplex. Plastic, on the one hand, is affordable, but on the other hand, it will not last long.

When deciding on purchasing a shower stall, it is important to proceed from its useful capabilities and take into account the negative nuances. The required set of functions is selected at your discretion. Follow our recommendations and you will purchase a convenient and complete design for installation in an apartment.

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