Pros and cons of a cast iron bath

Recently, shower stalls have become very popular. But, despite this, the bath does not give up its position, because only lying in the fragrant foam can you fully rest and relax.

When carrying out repairs, it is necessary to choose the right product that will meet all the parameters and wishes of family members.

On sale you can find bathtubs made from various materials. Despite this, cast iron is still in great demand. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of products, you can understand the reason for their stable popularity. This will help you choose the right option for your bathroom.Cast iron bath.

Features of cast iron baths

An important feature of cast iron bathtubs is their long history, which steel and acrylic products cannot boast of.

According to some sources, their production began in 1917 in Spain, where the Roca brothers founded their own factory. But information from other sources indicates that back in the 17th century, a Lavelle boiler worker who lived in France established the production and sale of cast iron bathtubs.

Such a long history suggests that cast iron products are in stable demand, which does not fall over time.

Pros and cons of cast iron baths

A wide range of plumbing products are on sale. Many of them are made of modern materials that have high performance.But bowls made of cast iron do not lose popularity among buyers due to a number of advantages:

  1. Price. One of the main advantages is low cost compared to products made from other materials.
  2. Durability. Cast iron is highly resistant to mechanical stress. To this should be added the strength of the enamel that covers the bowl. If you treat your plumbing fixtures with care, they will serve you for many years.
  3. Heat capacity. The material maintains water temperature for a long time. In addition, this bowl has thick walls. They accumulate heat and then gradually release it back.
  4. Durability of the coating. Enamel is used to coat plumbing fixtures. It is highly resistant to mechanical and chemical influences and has a glossy surface. The color of the coating is bright and rich. The absence of pores makes cleaning your bathroom much easier.
  5. Weight. The bowl weighs more than 100 kg. This may cause some inconvenience. But advantages can also be found in this - such a mass gives the bowl stability, so during installation there is no need to take additional measures to strengthen the product on the floor of the room.
  6. Good sound insulation. Compared to a steel bowl, water is poured into a cast iron bowl almost silently.
  7. Easy to care for. The coating does not require the use of special detergents. A soap solution or regular cleaning powder is sufficient.Operation of a cast iron bath.

Reference! To prevent the formation of limescale, the bowl must be washed and dried after each use!

A cast iron bath also has disadvantages:

  1. Weight. During transportation and installation, the weight of the bowl turns from an advantage into a disadvantage.
  2. Complex restoration of enamel coating. When cracks and chips form, it is quite difficult to eliminate defects on your own, so you will have to use the services of professionals.
  3. Uniformity of forms. Cast iron cannot boast of good ductility, so bowls have only classic shapes: rectangular, oval, round.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of a cast iron bathtub, you can easily choose the most suitable option. The main thing is that the product must be made from quality materials. Then, with proper care, your cast iron bathtub will serve you for many years.

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