What should be the height of a bathroom sink, standards

When renovating a bathroom, we often take care of the external component. However, proper placement of plumbing fixtures is a guarantee of comfortable use. Therefore, in a small space, not only the design is important, but also the place where the different interior elements will be located. Attention should be paid to the distance from the floor to the washbasin bowl. This is especially important if you have children of different ages, because they are all different sizes. Therefore, you should calculate the distance in such a way that you are comfortable and the kids can wash themselves.Children's and adult sink.

The optimal height of the sink from the floor according to SNiP

Even during the Soviet Union, all kinds of standards were created: GOST, SNiP, etc. The regulations clearly indicate where the bathroom tank and hydrobox should be placed, where the toilet should be placed, and where the washbasin should be fixed.

Various studies were carried out in the USSR, which made it possible to develop uniform standards for the installation of sanitary equipment. Experts spent several years studying anthropometric and medical data to calculate a comfortable distance from the floor to the sink bowl. The average human height was taken as a basis.

During the tests, the following parameters were established:

  • for men - from 800 to 1000 mm;
  • for women - from 800 to 920 mm.

According to the information received, in the mid-80s, “Sanitary Norms and Rules” were developed and published. They recommended installing plumbing fixtures at a distance of 850 mm from the floor. This standard is used by all modern manufacturers of plumbing equipment.Standard sink height.

Reference. The most common washbasin model has a height of 830 to 870 mm.

It is important that the developed “Building Codes and Rules” are not strict rules, but recommendations. If during the renovation it is necessary to change the height, this will not be considered a redesign of the room. This means there will be no need to coordinate. However, after the repairs are completed, contact the management company. Specialists will check the correct installation and make sure that you have not damaged the communication system. Of course, you will only have to do this if you live in an apartment building.

Why is it important to follow the standard?

Usually, the purchase and subsequent installation of plumbing does not cause problems, because the established standards are suitable for all people. It’s not for nothing that most “moidodyrs” are hung or installed at a distance of 850 mm from the floor. But if, for individual reasons, the recommended height does not suit you, then you can safely change it in a way that will be comfortable for you and your household to use.

  1. Changing the height of the moidodyr is not a redesign. This means it does not require documentary evidence. The main thing is to conveniently position the sink and securely fix the structure.
  2. The regulation allows the movement of the washbasin. However, to do this, you must obtain permission, and after completion of the repair work you will have to invite a professional.The plumber must check whether the changes have a negative impact on the functioning of the communication system.
  3. You can safely install a second sink. The main thing is that they must be inside the same room. If the washbasin was moved outside the bathroom, the actions will have to be coordinated with the management company.

Reference. Unauthorized redevelopment of premises is punishable by a large fine!

Inside a private home, you can install plumbing fixtures at any comfortable height.Options for placing a sink in the bathroom.

It’s up to you to decide whether to follow the SNiP recommendations or not. But numerous studies and the experience of specialists say that a height of 850 mm is comfortable for all household members.

Tips for installing a bathroom sink

The first thing that needs to be done when renovating a bathroom is to determine the location of the “sink hole” relative to the drain hole. This is an important nuance when installing a wall-mounted option, because in this case the pipe is hidden inside the walls. Otherwise, if necessary, certain difficulties may arise. To avoid misunderstandings, follow a few recommendations:

  1. Install the washbasin a couple of centimeters higher than the recommended level.
  2. If possible, reinstall the drain pipe.
  3. Remove any excess pipe. As a rule, the pipes are slightly longer than necessary. Therefore, if you remove the excess part and fix the washbasin at a convenient height, nothing bad will happen.
  4. Do not forget about the distance between the siphon of the device and the sewer drain pipe. You should also consider the distance from the lowest point of the sink to the floor of the room.

If you follow simple recommendations, you can easily figure out at what height to hang or install the sink.In this case, the plumbing will be convenient for everyone close to you.

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