How to choose an acrylic bathtub

Just 16 years ago, when you came to a plumbing store, you could see orderly rows of cast iron bathtubs. There were no other options.

The modern buyer has a much wider choice of plumbing fixtures, as acrylic products have become available for sale. Such bathtubs are light, durable, and can come in a wide variety of shapes, which is why they quickly gained popularity.

But, as you know, the larger the range presented, the more difficult it is to make the right choice.

Let's look together at the question of how to choose the right acrylic bathtub.Acrylic bath.

Features of acrylic bathtubs

As the name of the product implies, such plumbing fixtures are made from acrylic. It is produced in two ways, according to which bowls are divided into two types: cast and extruded. Bathtubs made by casting are much stronger than extruded ones. Therefore, such products will last you much longer.

Attention! It is quite difficult to determine by eye what type of bathtub it is. Therefore, when purchasing, ask the seller to provide accompanying documents and a quality certificate. They contain all the necessary information.

The plasticity of acrylic allows designers to create bowls of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. They are decorated with various decorative elements.Corner bath.

To make the product durable, it is coated with epoxy resins and then installed on a metal frame.

What types of acrylic bathtubs are there?

Baths are distinguished by two characteristics: the number of layers and the shape of the product.

  1. Number of layers. The strength and durability of the bowl directly depend on this parameter. High-quality bathtubs are made of acrylic sheet with a thickness of at least 5 mm. To give additional strength, the product undergoes a reinforcement procedure - several layers of epoxy resin mixed with fiberglass shavings are applied to the surface of the plumbing fixtures. The more layers applied, the stronger the bowl.
  2. Plumbing form. The flexible polymer can be used to make a bowl of any shape.

For example:

  1. Rectangular. This is the traditional plumbing model. This product will fit perfectly into a room with any design. Mount the bowl parallel to the wall.
  2. Corner. The model is very popular. This is because a bowl of this shape can be installed in a room of any size. The reservoir can be right or left oriented. One side of the product can be rectangular or convex.
  3. Oval. The bathtub will become a real highlight of the room, making it elegant and original. But due to its shape, this design takes up a lot of space, so it is only suitable for spacious rooms. Such plumbing cannot be called a full-fledged bathroom. Rather, it is one of the elements of luxury. It looks especially advantageous on a small pedestal. Typically, such baths have additional features: hydromassage, water level sensor, air massage, self-cleaning. Therefore, they can be used for spa treatments at home. Such products are made exclusively to order.Acrylic bathtub of unusual shape.

Reference! If you need to install a bathtub in a room with a complex design, give preference to asymmetrical models.If your plumbing corner has a large area, then you can choose a bowl of any shape.

Criteria for choosing acrylic bathtubs

A bathtub is an expensive purchase, so people buy it for a long time. It is important to know what characteristics of the product you should pay attention to before purchasing. Of course, you should take into account the advice of experts. But you also need to understand this topic yourself.

When choosing a plumbing product, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Size. This is the most important parameter. First of all, assess the size of your bathroom; the size of the doorway is also important. An acrylic bowl should not take up all the free space in the room. The dimensions of the product itself are no less important, because the level of comfort directly depends on them. The most convenient bathtub is with the following parameters: height - 70 cm, bowl depth - 60 cm, width - 80 cm, length - 180 cm. A product with these parameters is suitable for most people.
  2. Wall thickness, number of layers. The thicker the walls of the product, the stronger and more expensive it is. But it is quite difficult to determine this parameter “by eye”. When choosing plumbing fixtures, touch its walls. So, a product with a wall thickness of 1 mm is not worth purchasing. A bathtub with walls 2 mm thick will last 4 years, 4 mm - 7 years, 5 mm or more - over 12 years.
  3. Surface. The bathtub coating should not have any defects: chips, scratches, cracks. It should be even, smooth, evenly colored. If you find any defects, it means the product is of low quality or was manufactured in violation of technology.
  4. Smell. The bowl should not emit any strong odors. Their presence indicates the low quality of the materials from which it was made.
  5. Frame. An acrylic bathtub is installed on a frame, which gives rigidity to the product. The design consists of pipes coated with anti-corrosion powder paint. A high-quality frame has points of contact with the bowl only at the corners of the structure. If there are a lot of ribs, the plumbing fixtures are fragile and should not be purchased.

The modern plumbing market offers a wide range of acrylic bathtubs, so it can be difficult to make the right choice. When purchasing, be guided by personal preferences - the product should correspond to them. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for accompanying documents and a quality certificate. This way you can get the best bathtub that will last you for many years.

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