How to apply border tape to a bathtub

The bathroom is a room characterized by the highest moisture content. When carrying out work on installing a bathtub, sink or shower stall, it is important not only to properly fix the plumbing equipment, but also to make all seams and joints airtight. A gap between the wall and, for example, the bathroom is inevitable in any case.

If the sealing is insufficient or the technology is violated, such a gap will allow moisture to pass through, which will accumulate under the bathtub. Water flowing onto the floor may well seep through and leave unpleasant “surprises” in the form of streaks on the walls and ceiling of neighbors whose apartment is located on the floor below. And for the owners of such a bathroom, this does not bode well, because water, accumulating under the structure, will become a source of mold and mildew. To prevent negative consequences, it is important to immediately follow the installation technology and use curbs for bathtubs.

Choosing a bath border

The choice of products is infinitely large, so it is sometimes difficult to understand what exactly you need to buy in a building materials store. Bathtub curbs are no exception. What is the difference between synthetic and mineral products, and which side will last longer?

You should choose a border for a bathtub, taking into account only two main criteria. Firstly, you should take into account the size of the gap (the distance from the bathtub to the adjacent wall).Secondly, when choosing a material, you should consider which side will look more aesthetically pleasing:

  1. Flexible self-adhesive tape. It will be a good choice for those who want to give their bathroom a finished look without having experience in finishing or any additional equipment. This product is a plastic plinth, which can be found in stores in the form of three-meter rolls - they are very flexible. The inner side of the tape is impregnated with a self-adhesive substance - sealant. Working with it is not difficult: the protective layer is removed and the tape is ready for fastening. The range is also represented by angular and figured ribbons. Installing flexible self-adhesive tape is a budget solution that will definitely not break your pocket. But it is worth noting the existing disadvantages, along with the advantages: this finishing option cannot be called durable, the tape is only a temporary solution that can only be used for a couple of years. Over time, the seal weakens and the color of the product changes.Flexible self-adhesive tape.
  2. Plastic border. More dense in structure, but also easy to install. The product is equipped with silicone inserts that provide better fastening and tightness. A plastic product can last no more than 6 years, but over time it turns yellow, becomes sensitive to the use of household cleaning products, and cracks appear on it from mechanical damage.Plastic border.
  3. Accessories made from mineral raw materials (ceramics, marble, granite). A more expensive and high-quality option for finishing a bathroom, the service life of which is practically unlimited. Such a border is not susceptible to mechanical damage or the effects of household chemicals (detergents), and the color remains unchanged.Sometimes borders come complete with tiles that match the color and design.Ceramic border.

Reference! Self-adhesive tape and a plastic product are more budget-friendly options, as they are made of polymer materials and are easy to install. Products made from mineral materials are more expensive, require special tools and installation skills, but are ideal for bathrooms with a sophisticated design.

General installation rules

If the stage of choosing and purchasing a border has already been completed, then there is a need to prepare the surface and carry out additional work, and for the installation itself you need to purchase glue.

Border adhesive is necessary for installing ceramic or plastic products. The main selection criterion is that you should give preference to sealant rather than silicone adhesive for installation, because over time it darkens and loses its properties. The wrong choice of adhesive can lead to peeling of the border. Due to the appearance of microcracks, it is necessary to change the adhesive layer, remove and disinfect the fittings every 4–5 years.

But you can do without such measures if you choose a special-purpose adhesive during installation: aquarium, sanitizing or hydrophobic. Such material will cost more, but will eliminate periodic expenses for cosmetic repairs and sanitary treatment.

Bath skirting board.

Good preparation of the bathroom for work is the key to success and long service life of the border. If the bathtub is new, simply wipe the edges to remove dust or other contaminants. If you have dismantled the old curb, then first you need to remove the remnants of the sealant used during the previous installation - an abrasive material will help with this.

The bathroom itself also requires additional cleaning with detergents.Before installing a new curb, it is necessary to dry and degrease the surface with alcohol.

How to properly glue a border to a bathtub

Attaching self-adhesive tape is the simplest finishing option. Before installation, you should cut the tape into pieces, leaving an additional 1–1.5 cm at the corners.

Heating with a hairdryer will help achieve the greatest elasticity. It is better to glue it from the corners, remove the protective tape in small sections, and press the border itself tightly, in the same direction along the entire perimeter. Sealant will be needed to seal the cuts. After installation, the new curb cannot be wetted for another 24 hours.

A plastic border will require more use of adhesive-sealant; in terms of installation, it is similar to a self-adhesive product; it will take a day and a half to dry.

A ceramic border requires preliminary insulation of the gap between the bathtub and the wall; it is installed according to the general principle - from the corner. After the sealant has dried, an intermediate step is required - applying tile adhesive over the border. After a day, all excess is washed off, the bath is left for another day to dry. The seams between the parts of the border are treated with grout.

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