How to quickly whiten a bathtub at home

How to quickly whiten a bathtub at homeOften housewives are faced with a yellowish bathroom. Expensive cleaning chemicals do not help and the snow-white enamel deteriorates before your eyes. We will tell you below how to whiten a bathroom effectively, in a timely and inexpensive manner.

Effective ways to whiten a bathtub

When solving the issue of cleaning bathroom enamel, it is appropriate to use abrasive, chlorine- and acid-containing types of store-bought substances or a more gentle type of folk remedies. One can remove grease with rusty stains, the other can clean dirt and remove yellow deposits. Each of them is effective in its own environment, so its choice will depend on the degree of contamination of the enamel. To achieve a great result, you may need to use both.

Traditional methods

It is no secret that housewives use traditional methods to remove all dirt, rust and yellow spots. Such methods include the use of vinegar, soda, ammonia with hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, paint thinner and mustard powder. However, it is important to follow the rules for their use. We'll talk about this later.

Clean the bath

Vinegar. To remove rust and low-quality enamel, you need to take 9% vinegar, moisten paper towels with it, then apply the solution evenly to the entire surface affected by rust, leave it for a while, and then rinse everything with water and enjoy the result.

Soda. To bleach, you will need to cover the yellowed areas of the bathtub with a sponge moistened with soda powder and leave everything for half an hour. Then rinse with water and vinegar. After this procedure, yellowness should disappear from the enamel.

Alcohol with hydrogen peroxide. To update the look of your bathroom, you need to mix alcohol with peroxide in a ratio of 2 to 1 and wipe the surfaces of the plumbing with a rag. After half an hour, you need to wash off the solution.

Lemon acid. To restore the lost appearance of the bathing tank, you need to mix the powder with water in the proportion of 2 large spoons per 500 ml of water and treat the affected areas with it, and then rinse.

Solvent. Oil solvent will help remove accumulated lime with grease and yellowness on the bathtub. They should use a sponge to cover its entire surface and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, everything needs to be washed off and treated with store-bought odor removal powder or citric acid. The effect will be visible immediately.

Mustard powder. Like branded products, mustard powder effectively fights dirt and yellow spots. For it to work, you need to rub the problem areas with a hard sponge with added powder, and then rinse with water. The result will be visible from the first cleaning.


Special means

Store-bought ready-to-use products can effectively tackle dirt, yellow stains and other issues that keep your bathroom from looking neat and clean. Below is a list of the most effective chemicals for bleaching a bathing tank:

  1. Bass – a liquid gel with weakly concentrated acids, which helps not only to make a snow-white bathroom, but also to disinfect it;
  2. Ciff - a well-known cream and spray that easily removes yellow plaque. However, it is powerless in the fight against rust stains;
  3. Sannox — a disinfectant that easily copes with any dirt and rust;
  4. Comet – gel and spray that removes lime, dirt and yellow film on the bathroom;
  5. Phenolux - a product that removes dirt with yellow coating and rust. Overall, whitening a bathroom is not that difficult.

Bathtub cleaning

The main thing is to approach things wisely, use the above tips and put in a little effort to achieve your goals.

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