Circular shower. What kind of shower is this, what is it for?

The beneficial and healing effect of water on humans has been noticed for a long time. Among the techniques used, hydromassage occupies a special place. Read on to learn about its main type, operating principle, benefits, indications and contraindications.

Circular shower - what does it mean?

This is the name of a special hydraulic installation in which preventive or therapeutic procedures are carried out. It is characterized by a mild effect and has a varied effect, including a general strengthening effect.

The inventor of the healing method was the French doctor Charcot. He noticed positive changes occurring in patients after receiving water massage. The scheme was named after the doctor’s name and is actively used in medicine.

Over time, the technology developed: components were invented that supply water in numerous thin streams in a circle. The innovation began to be called a circular shower, and it gained wide popularity.

In professional language, the technique is called needle or Swiss. The first name is associated with the sensations that the user receives. The second is derived from the country, Switzerland, where this method was first developed.What is a circular shower.

How the healing shower works

The special booth in which the procedure is performed contains a large number of curved tubes. They are mounted over the entire internal surface, made in the form of a semicircle.Water flows are supplied in a circular manner, through many miniature holes.

The nozzles are located in both vertical and horizontal planes. In the first case, their number is much greater, but the consumed volume of water also increases. The advantage of vertical modification is the optimal effect.

The liquid passes through the pipes at an average pressure of 1.5 bar (the value can change in both directions), and flows out in the form of powerful, thin streams.

The contrast of sensations is provided by a regular shower. It can be used separately or in conjunction with hydromassage. Setting different temperature settings enhances the effect.

The unit is fixed to the floor using a reliable fastening.

Benefits, indications and contraindications

Let's consider the positive properties of hydromassage:

  • improves the condition of the external skin and subcutaneous tissue, cleanses them;
  • affects the immune system, activates the body's defenses;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • relieves stress and irritation, promotes sound sleep;
  • helps to lose weight, but only in combination with physical activity and a proper diet;
  • if contrasting temperatures and water under different pressures are used, this has a positive effect on blood circulation.A man takes a circular shower.

Reference! The first sessions may cause discomfort when you feel a “tingling” sensation from all sides; later the body gets used to this feature.

Let us pay attention to the cases in which the technique is used in the sanatorium.

The priority purpose of use is disease control. These include:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (decrease in pressure, restoration of the capillary and vein system);
  • hypertension without complications (therapeutic therapy, together with medications);
  • disorders of nervous activity (calming effect, relief);
  • vertebral, joint pain (relieving spasms, muscle tension);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (removal of toxins, acceleration of metabolism, metabolism);
  • obesity, excess weight (normalization of appetite, breakdown of fats);
  • chronic fatigue (decreased fatigue);
  • absence or disturbance of sleep (calming effect, relaxation).

Reference! In more complex situations, the procedure can be carried out as a preliminary procedure, before Charcot's shower. The treatment plan is prescribed only by a therapist or a specialist doctor; you should not self-medicate.

Secondary areas are rejuvenation and strengthening SPA regimes. Here the main tasks are to increase the tone of the body as a whole, restore the skin, and reduce body weight.

However, in some cases, water massage cannot be prescribed, because it can cause harm if there are chronic diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • oncology of any kind;
  • ailments of the heart, other organs (genitourinary system, etc., not prescribed in the indications for use), the presence of a pacemaker;
  • allergies - at the stage of exacerbation or treatment;
  • viral, infectious conditions;
  • diseases of the skin (if there are wounds, suppuration, etc.).

Attention! The device cannot be used during menstruation, pregnancy (even in the initial period, to avoid miscarriage), lactation (milk may disappear). Hydromassage is not recommended for children under 10 years of age.

A circular shower is a useful and multifunctional technique that helps a person restore health, get rid of stress, negative phenomena or achieve a cosmetic effect, maintain beauty, and restore youth.In order for the procedure to bring maximum benefit, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors and not try to carry out treatment on your own.

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