DIY camp shower

Man is designed in such a way that he can do without many things and endure a variety of inconveniences, but he cannot not eat or wash himself. If you are in your apartment or house, where everything is at hand, and you want to wash yourself, you go to the bathroom. What if you are far from civilization? For example, while hiking or fishing. Moreover, isolation from the world does not last a day, but rather a rather long period. What to do in such a situation? A camp shower will come to the rescue.

Camping shower.

What is a camp shower?

All devices for maintaining hygiene in conditions of separation from civilization can be divided into several types according to certain criteria.

Based on the design features, we can highlight:

  1. In the form of a reservoir with a fixed hose.
  2. In the form of a tent.
  3. In the form of a pump.

By method of heating water:

  1. With natural heating. Useful on hot summer days. Water should be poured into a container and left in the sun. Just a few hours and it's warmed up.
  2. With artificial heating. Suitable for use in the cold season, in cloudy weather. This device requires electricity. The water heats quickly and is not dangerous.

How to make a shower outdoors with your own hands

An outdoor shower can be made from almost everything that is at hand; only imagination and the availability of materials limit the choice. The finished models will differ only in the method of water supply.It can be supplied naturally from a difference in height (in this case, the tank must hang higher than the person is located), it can be supplied from air pressure or by simple pumping.Option for a camp shower.

The easiest way would be to place a tank of water at a height, place a hose in the neck with a shower head installed on it. As a result of certain manipulations, water will flow down. The water pressure will not be the strongest, but it will be enough to wash away dirt without spending a lot of liquid.

This option is minimal in cost; in fact, even a shower head is optional. However, comfort here is also minimal. It might be worth looking at other options.

A trampoline shower is much more convenient when camping. The water supply in it is carried out by a simple pump, which is forced to work by the human feet. The water pressure is stronger and the productivity is higher, and there is no need to hang the container anywhere. But while washing you will have to dance a little. Similar shower options are available ready-made for sale, or you can make them yourself.The shower is trampling.

The most advanced option can be considered a design with a water pump. Such things are sold ready-made, but no one bothers you to assemble everything yourself. Such a twelve-volt pump can be found in a pet store, or you can come across it in a car dealership.Water pump design.

In addition to the pump itself, you need a three-amp power supply. A machine battery or generator is suitable here, but you can also find something suitable among power banks. To increase the comfort of use, you can also attach a switch, like the one on the doorbell. As long as you press, everything works, but when you let go, the water stops flowing.

This will reduce water consumption, and the service life of the pump, on the contrary, will increase, because it cannot work for a long time without stopping. You will also need a cable and a hose. A small shower head is needed, since the pump does not have high power and the water pressure will not be strong.

Attention! To connect the pump to the battery, you need a plug or terminals, such as alligator clips. A tent-shower will provide additional comfort, but you can not go too fancy and make a simple screen.

To assemble the structure together, you need to prepare electrical tape, a screwdriver, and a knife. We proceed in the following order:

  1. We cut the hose into two halves: one will be short, the other will be long.
  2. A short section goes to the pump inlet and connects to the tank.
  3. The long piece serves as an exit and we attach a watering can to it.
  4. The electrical cable is similarly divided into two sections.
  5. We connect one piece of wire to the switch, and stretch the second to the battery.
  6. The switch can be attached to the watering can itself.
  7. We attach terminals to the wire.
  8. The camp shower is ready.Scheme of a camp shower.

The good thing about a car pump is that it has a low voltage, so an electric shock will not be terrible. But you can play it safe and place the switch in a sealed casing.

Disadvantages of a camp shower

The main advantage of a camp shower is that it does not depend on water supply and sewerage. Even if you hang it on a tree in an open field and wash it, you don’t even need tools for installation. Advantages:

  • it costs more than budget;
  • lightweight, small in size, convenient and practical;
  • it is easy to use, no special skills are required;
  • the thing is very universal - you can take it outdoors, or you can use it at home when malicious utility companies have turned off the water.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  1. The volume of the tank is small, so you will have to strictly save water.
  2. Poor quality water is harmful to the pump.
  3. The tank of shower cabins is large, which affects the ease of transportation.

But the comfort of taking a shower in the summer heat can outweigh all the negative aspects.

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