I’m sharing 5 non-obvious tips for renovating a bathroom.

Renovating a bathroom is a delicate matter. Incorrectly laid tiles or poorly selected plumbing fixtures can become a serious problem for you and your household. After all, repairs are done once every 10-15 years. However, most people make the same mistakes. To avoid them, I have selected five not-so-obvious tips that may be useful when doing your own repairs.


Firstly, there should be a lot of them. It's stupid to think that you won't need an outlet in the bathroom. In a good room there are at least two of them, and only if you don’t have a washing machine there. Sockets are needed to use an electric razor, hair dryer, electric toothbrush, and so on. In our digital age, an extra connector definitely won’t hurt.

Sockets in the bathroom

Secondly, they must be well protected. The bathroom requires special sockets with a protective screen. This device will protect them from liquids and high humidity in the room. After all, water and electricity are not friends, and no one wants a short circuit.

Sockets with protection

Storage spaces

It is important to think about organizing space not only in the bedroom or living room, but also in the bathroom. When renovating, most people are guided by the common “well, it’s beautiful.” It is customary to install a huge bathtub in the entire small room in a Khrushchev-era building, and cover all free walls with mirrors and various decorative elements.

Drawers in the bathroom

Of course, such a room looks stylish.But think for yourself: will it be convenient to run to the hallway for shampoo and store a towel in the bedroom? Don't think. Therefore, it would be much more correct to hang free walls with various shelves, hooks and other similar devices.

Careful preparation of the premises

Bathroom renovations should not be done in a haphazard manner. Tile itself is a very capricious material. In addition, constant high humidity takes its toll - the finish wears out quite quickly.

To extend the life of walls and ceilings, experienced craftsmen recommend careful rough finishing. I recommend following these tips:

  1. Clean the walls completely. It is forbidden to leave old wallpaper, paint or plaster. In the future, the tile may come off because of this.
  2. The walls need to be completely leveled. If you do not maintain a clear 90-degree angle, the angles between the tiles will not meet. In addition, the bathtub may not fit tightly into an uneven opening.
  3. For leveling, only cement-based plaster mortars can be used. They do not lose their properties over time and are resistant to high humidity.


Careful insulation of the floor and walls is something you definitely cannot skimp on. People often spill water during the washing process. No one will like it if it leaks into the neighbors' apartment.


Besides, the bathroom is always a risk. At any moment, another tap could break. In this case, the owners of waterproofing will get off with little bloodshed - they will only need to dry the room by collecting personal water. But people who decide to save money will be forced to pay for repairs not only in their apartment, but also in the house of their neighbors below.

Plumbing features

European-quality renovation with European plumbing is the new fashion of the 21st century. But it's not that simple.Foreign toilets, for example, often do not fit Russian connections at all, and to install them you need to make a special protrusion.

Another common problem is the shower door. Before purchasing, make sure which way it opens. The handle should not rest against the sink or wall, as is often the case.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers