What is a quaril bath?

For a long time, bathtubs made of cast iron and steel dominated the plumbing market. But progress does not stand still. Among the latest innovations you can find products made from quaril.

What kind of material is quaril?

This a new composite polymer with environmentally friendly additives, which is a combination of solid quartz particles that are enveloped by plastic acrylic. It was received and patented by the German concern Villeroy&Bosch. Initially, the goal of the research was to create a means to restore the damaged surface of bathtubs. However, as a result of developments and tests, this material has become a full-fledged basis for their manufacture and trays for shower cabins.

quaril bath

What types of quaril baths are there?

According to the method of installation (fastening) there is frame and frameless samples. The thickness of their walls ranges from 0.8 to 1.8 cm. Thinner and unstable ones require installation on top of the frame base.

Variety of shapes – round, oval, rectangular and polygonal, with beveled edges, symmetrical and asymmetrical – gives scope for design solutions to suit every taste and imagination of the buyer.

Depending on the installation location, they are distinguished wall-mounted (including corner) and free-standing bathtubs. The installation of the latter is supposed not against the walls, but in the middle of the bathroom. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of supplying water and draining.

Most common color white, less often cream. If you try, you can find more saturated colors - burgundy, black, green.

Dimensional parameters (length-width-height) are different and are selected in accordance with the area of ​​the room.

Some models equipped with additional amenities and features: headrests, armrests, hydromassage, radio and other options.

quaril bath with water

Installation features

Ideally, the connection of any plumbing should be carried out by a specialist, but if the owner of the house has some experience and his hands grow in the right direction, he can easily cope with this task on his own and, accordingly, save money.

Installation includes:

  1. installation in a horizontal position using special height-adjustable legs. If the structure is framed, first install the base under the bathtub, then the bathtub itself;
  2. the drain is connected to the sewer;
  3. pipes with hot and cold water are supplied;
  4. mixer is installed. It can be built into the wall or placed on the side.

Attention! Quaril bathtubs do not have a hole for an overflow, and some models do not have a hole for draining. Therefore, it is necessary to have a special tool and attachment on hand for drilling this material.

After all manipulations related to installation and connection, it is necessary to fill the bath with water and check for leaks.

Quaril baths have a lot of advantages compared to other analogues. If the price doesn’t bother you, you can easily afford this durable and functional miracle of modern plumbing to bring a little comfort into your life.

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