Which is better, a bath or a shower?

Man is a creature far from perfect. If you don’t give him a choice, it’s bad, but when you have a choice, it’s even worse. In the era of the Soviet Union, the question of what to install in the bathroom did not arise. Definitely a bath, there were simply no other options. And now there are so many plumbing devices that are not in stores. So people are suffering from headaches from the abundance of offers. Where to stop? Install a bath or shower? We'll figure out.Shower cabin.

The good and the bad of the bath

The most common plumbing fixture is rightfully considered the bathtub. Similar designs have been known since ancient times.

And today they have not ceased to be relevant. They are installed both in new buildings and after renovation. If a special desire arises, nothing prevents you from installing and connecting yourself.

An extensive list of advantages has contributed to such a wide distribution of this plumbing fixture.Bath.

Positive traits:

  1. The bath allows you not only to draw water, but also to mix essential oils in it, add sea or aromatic salt. Or you can just make water with a foamy head. Most people, not without reason, believe that this type of washing is the best way to relax when the working day is over.
  2. The bath allows you to perform wellness treatments. To do this, simply add medicinal herbs to hot water.If you mix water with milk, honey or oatmeal, you get a good cosmetic bath.
  3. It is easier to wash away all impurities in the bath.
  4. Here you can not only wash yourself, but also bathe your children.
  5. Easy to use in the bath and wash things.
  6. You can wash your pet after it has rolled around in the mud.
  7. A bathtub can also replace a shower if the faucet has a similar attachment.

The equipment is easy to connect to the water supply, you don’t need a lot of knowledge and the costs are not exorbitant.

There are also some disadvantages to this equipment:

  1. The bathtub requires a lot of space, as it has large dimensions.
  2. Requires a lot of water: significantly more than a shower consumes. And heating it requires a lot of electricity.
  3. Has contraindications. Especially if a person suffers from hypertension, varicose veins, dizziness, or has skin diseases.
  4. There is a high risk of injury due to the smooth surface, which becomes slippery when wet.
  5. I can’t turn on the water and start taking a bath right away. You need to spend some time waiting.

Attention! For older people, baths are especially uncomfortable. It's hard for them to get in and out. If you suddenly change your body position, you may feel dizzy. For them, the best option would be to purchase a sitz bath. These models are much shorter than the classic ones and taller than them.

Shower cabin - advantages and disadvantages

People who love to take a shower note the following advantages:

  1. Installation requires less space than for a bathtub, which is very convenient even in modest-sized rooms.
  2. Operation is safe. Considering that the pallets are made of anti-slip material, it is impossible to fall into them.
  3. Most models have a wide range of additional functions. You can find shower cabins equipped with a telephone, radio, and hydromassage. Often there is also a sauna function. It is possible to carry out medical procedures. This can be done thanks to the functions of inhalation and aromatherapy.
  4. Often the cabin is equipped with benches, which is very convenient for the elderly, as well as for those who have a disease of the vestibular system.
  5. A huge assortment allows you to find what you like best: any shape, various dimensions, design, functions. Naturally, you can find a model that will be affordable.
  6. They are much more hygienic. Microbes in dirty water are washed away immediately, rather than being retained inside.
  7. Showering requires no waiting. Just turn the valve and you can wash.
  8. Hair is washed better under running water.Shower cabin.

It is difficult to argue that the positive qualities are undeniable. But there is another side to the coin:

  1. Good quality models with a tight door often take up a lot of space, saving little space. They are not suitable for small rooms.
  2. Many functions, such as tropical rain, hydromassage, are only possible with good water pressure. Otherwise they will not function.
  3. The shower does not allow you to relax, leaving your muscles tense.
  4. After drying, the water leaves a residue on the walls and doors.
  5. Cabins are more difficult to maintain than bathtubs. The presence of a large number of metal elements takes additional effort when cleaning.
  6. Such devices cost much more than bathtubs.
  7. Installing a shower cabin is not so simple. It will require special skills from the owner.
  8. You won't be able to lie in warm water in a shower stall.
  9. It is difficult to bathe children and pets in the shower.

The only thing that offsets all the negative aspects is the quality of modern models.

What to consider when choosing plumbing fixtures

A shower stall is a plumbing device that makes it easier to maintain hygiene. The structure consists of three walls, a door and a tray. There is a wide variety of models, ranging from simple and budget options to multifunctional computer-controlled devices. The first includes shower enclosures, their walls are the walls of the room itself.

The second option is easier to install - it is a sealed device that has everything you need. The price of such a product varies depending on the functionality and type of design.

Cabins vary in size and shape. The choice should be made depending on the intended installation location. Rectangular-shaped devices are placed near the wall, angular shapes fit organically in the corner of the room, and round, oval or polygonal-shaped options are mounted next to the wall in a spacious room.

For rooms with a large area, you can choose a large-sized design. When buying a booth, you should definitely take into account that the internal volume is less than the external volume by about seven centimeters.

If we talk about a classic bath, the choice is quite simple. You need to pay attention to the material of the product, manufacturer and cost. Keep in mind that these structures are in many ways inferior in their functions to shower stalls.

In addition to simple baths, there are devices with hydromassage. In addition to the housing, there are high-tech electronics and mechanics:

  • water pump;
  • compressor;
  • nozzles;
  • water and air supply hoses;
  • cleaning system;
  • chromotherapy devices;
  • aromatherapy devices.

The functions of such products are no different from expensive showers. The provided sensors allow you to program the necessary procedures. The control unit tracks them without requiring human intervention.

The computer provides data on temperature, pressure, the program being executed and its duration. Depending on the functions of the device, the number of nozzles changes.Bathroom with additional features.

The model affects the purpose of the injectors. They can massage the entire body or specific areas. You can purchase a product with additional functions of ozone therapy and light music.

Hydromassage is not just a pleasant pastime, it is a very useful procedure. It allows you to stretch your muscles and joints, returning flexibility to your body. Metabolism goes faster, cellulite disappears.

The massage tones the skin and muscles and restores mobility to the limbs. Makes blood vessels strong, blood circulation accelerates. But do not forget about contraindications.

What to choose - bath or shower

If you analyze all the data, you can come to the following result.

If family members are not fans of long stays in water, it would be better to give preference to a shower stall. It not only reduces the consumption of usable space, but also saves water consumption.

For elderly people and chronically ill people, the best option is a shower with a seat. Sauna lovers will love the combination shower with sauna function.

For a family with young children and if there are four-legged pets in the house, it is better to purchase a bathtub.

When choosing this or that model, it is better to focus on offers from well-known companies. Budget options quickly go out of order.

This is how the review turned out. In any case, the choice is yours.Based on your own preferences, tastes and wallet capabilities. Be that as it may, finding the most suitable option that satisfies all family members will not be difficult.

Comments and feedback:

Russian bathhouse, with a birch or oak broom!


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