Which is better: a bath or a shower?

Both are better. And not necessarily separate - now there are many models that combine a full shower stall and a bathtub. True, such decisions cost a lot. And they take up a lot of space. And when you have to choose equipment for a tiny room or on a limited budget, it’s hard not to make a mistake. To reduce the likelihood of a miss, you should first focus on your needs and capabilities.

bath shower

Obvious advantages of the bathroom

Price. Even the simplest shower stall will cost more than a spacious bathroom without any frills, which often becomes a decisive factor.

Ease of installation. This statement may bring a smile to those who look at the weighty cast-iron monsters (and this is not the worst option). However, even they are easier to install than a cubicle, for which you will have to seriously remodel a designated corner in the bathroom. And if you think about lightweight steel or acrylic bathtubs, the advantage becomes clear.

Relax. This is the main advantage. After all, it’s enough to take water, add a few drops of aromatic oil or something else pleasantly healing, and then plunge into the warm embrace of life-giving moisture. Complete relaxation is guaranteed. And with it comes spiritual balance, because in such a state it is difficult not to forget about problems.

advantages of a bath

Practicality. In the shower, it’s not easy to bathe a small child, clean up a pet, or simply wash up tea spilled on your favorite blanket. Where can you rinse a washing vacuum cleaner, large pots or baking trays without unnecessary splashes? Right. Not in the shower. Some talents even wash their bicycles in the bathroom, which once again emphasizes its versatility.


Dimensions. The bathtub is designed to be completely submerged in water. And this implies capacity. And the size. In a small bathroom there is often simply not enough space for it. And then you have to either combine a bathroom with a toilet (not the best solution), or give up convenience by choosing a compact model. What should those who don’t want to put a washing machine in the kitchen do?


Cold. This point may seem a little strange, but it is true. Even the smallest room takes quite a long time to warm up to comfortable levels. And if the water temperature is easy to maintain at the desired level by simply adding hot water little by little, this will not work with air. As a result, a slight jitters force you to forget about recent relaxation, because the enlarged pores are sensitive to the chill of the streams rushing into the ventilation.

Insecurity. Acrobatic tricks that complement attempts to maintain balance are most often performed when entering and exiting the bathroom. And all because it cannot be made rough - it will be unpleasant for parts of the body that come into contact with the surface of the container during water procedures.

safety in the bathroom

Inconvenience. The point looks strange to everyone except people of mature age. For most of them, getting over the high side is like a feat.And maintaining calm breathing when trying to reach the heel in a half-sitting position is not at all a feasible task.

Obvious advantages of the cabin

Compactness. This statement can be called controversial, since some models (especially double ones) occupy a decent amount of space. But if the booth is equipped with a sliding door, then even in the tiniest room there will still be room for household appliances.

shower cabin

Convenience. No stepping over high sides, especially on models with flat trays. And it is easier for people suffering from musculoskeletal diseases to rinse while standing. As a last resort, you can equip the booth with a folding seat, increasing its comfort for such users. And if the “deep” version is the chosen one (the height of the sides can reach 45 cm), then this drawback is compensated by the opportunity to make the booth more functional - a bicycle will not fit, but you can bathe a baby, rinse a pet after a walk or wash something.

Economy. When taking a shower, a person on average spends only 40–50 liters of water. Yes, for those who like to soak under the elastic jets, the counter will record high values. But they extremely rarely reach 200 liters per session. And for those who are convinced that you can take a shower in the bathroom, the next point is addressed.

Safety. Since only your feet come into contact with the tray, it doesn't have to be slippery. And this reduces the risk of learning the skill of an acrobat.

shower cabin

Cosiness. Especially when it comes to closed booths (with their own ceiling). While the user enjoys the jets of warm water, a limited volume of air is warmed by steam.And after turning off the tap, you won’t have to watch the frosty pimples on your skin (can you avoid this by taking a shower in the bathroom?).


Cleaning. Yes, it cannot be avoided in any case. But it’s one thing to clean a room in which there is room to spread out. And quite another thing is the battle with limescale on the walls, the distance between which can safely be called modest.

Practicality. This may not be a completely correct description, but the main function of the shower is to quickly wash off everything unnecessary. You won't be able to soak yourself in a bathtub. There are, of course, cabins with hydromassage or steam generators, but you have to enjoy it while standing or, at most, sitting. And you won’t be able to absorb all the power of healing infusions, aromatic oils or sea salt - they will simply be washed off.

So what should you choose?

what to choose a bath or shower

The only reasonable recommendation in this regard is that you should focus on your needs. If the family is dominated by connoisseurs of leisurely relaxation, there are small children and four-legged pets, but there are no those who find it difficult to climb over high sides - definitely a bath. Otherwise, a shower will help out. Moreover, the last option is a worthy solution for small rooms. And this eliminates the need to combine bathrooms (separate ones are still better).

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