How to clean a shower stall

In modern apartments and country houses, shower cabins are increasingly being installed. This trend is explained by the extreme convenience and speed of events. However, the ornate design of such a “cabinet” requires proper care, taking into account all the nuances of the individual parts of the product. To make it easier to understand all the important points, we have put together for you a detailed guide to cleaning the shower in this article.

Review of cleaning products for plumbing fixtures

Store shelves with household chemicals are sometimes even frightening with their variety. It’s very easy to get lost in such a mass of bright labels, names and complex compositions. It is for this case that we offer the most popular and convenient options:

  1. Cif is a wonderful cleansing cream. It has a pleasant smell, the ability to whiten surfaces, and cope with plaque, stains and rust stains.Cif.
  2. Mister Muscle is a spray intended for application to glass. With its help, you will forget about cloudiness and return the original shine to the material.Mister Muscle.
  3. Tilex is an antibacterial product that does not require rinsing. Perfectly cleanses soapy greasy marks.Tilex is an antibacterial agent.
  4. Acrilan is a spray foam for removing white deposits, mold and rust.Acrilan.

Otherwise, when reading the composition, remember that it should not contain any abrasive particles, as they will easily scratch the surfaces. You also need to be very careful when handling alcohol and acetone-containing solutions.

What materials can be used to care for the shower stall?

If you prefer not to use store-bought household chemicals and are sure that you can clean your shower using old, proven “grandmother’s” methods, using improvised means, then the following selection of options has been prepared especially for you.


In addition to good disinfection (capable of removing up to 85–90% of germs), the vinegar solution also does an excellent job of removing lime deposits on a tray or faucet. By the way, making it is not at all difficult: the components must be diluted in a 1:1 ratio.

However, if the contamination is old and strong enough, then you don’t have to dilute it with water at all. The rest of the procedure requires the following steps. You should soak a small napkin in vinegar and leave it in place with a coating for 15–20 minutes or for several hours, if necessary. Afterwards, the surface can simply be rinsed with water. Cleaning plaque.

Important! Work with this product only with rubber gloves!

Citric acid (juice)

One of the safest and most convenient options. An ordinary bag of lemon juice, which many people often use for cooking, can easily cope with deposits on the doors or plastic surfaces of the booth. To prepare the solution, just dilute 100 g. about 0.5 liters of powder. Or you can slice or juice a regular lemon.

The resulting concentrate is applied to the desired areas using a spray bottle and left for 10–15 minutes. A wonderful bonus of such cleaning will be a pleasant natural citrus aroma in your bathroom.Apply lemon concentrate using a spray bottle.


The soft consistency of the paste (and even tooth powder) will cope with stains with a bang and will not leave any scratches. You can apply it with a toothbrush. Often shower seams are treated in this way, since a small brush can easily get into all hard-to-reach places. If the dirt is very ingrained, you can apply the paste and leave for 20–30 minutes.

Important! Use only white substance! Colored versions may change the shade of the acrylic tray.

Alcohol, vodka, ammonia

This command is literally designed to save your glass partitions and doors from white stains of dried soap and water splashes. You can restore shine to surfaces by simply rubbing them with an alcohol solution. In the first case, the proportion will be: 5 ml of ethyl alcohol per 5 liters of water; in the second - 2 tablespoons of vodka, for two of the same tablespoons of water; and in the third - 1 tbsp is recommended for 1 liter of water. l.

By the way, if you add a little more glycerin, then after the procedure you will get a protective water-repellent film.

Hydrogen peroxide

An antiseptic will help cope with deposits of mineral salts. It is enough to leave a napkin soaked in peroxide for a couple of minutes on problem areas. It will either soften the lime for further work, or completely dissolve it.

Features of daily care

Every housewife knows: in order to get rid of the need to spend several hours during general cleaning fiddling with heavy dirt, it is better to take care of the surface after each water procedure.It won’t take much work, but the result will be colossal!

So, what needs to be done:

  1. After taking a shower, you need to douse all surfaces first with hot and then with cold water. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to all corners where soap scum has accumulated and thoroughly wash it from there.
  2. Water must be removed from the walls using a special rubber roller (or scraper).
  3. Additionally, wipe everything dry with a microfiber cloth. And don't forget about metal parts.Routine shower cleaning.

This simple procedure should be made a habit for every family member. It will allow your devices to always maintain a presentable appearance and eliminate the need to use strong chemicals.

General cleaning of the shower stall at home

To prevent the appearance of mold, rust, fungus and bacteria, it is still worth carrying out general cleaning once a week.. If you regularly clean the booth of soap and water droplets, this will not take much time (you will spend half an hour at most). However, it is no longer possible to do without maintenance cleaning products for plumbing fixtures. They can only be applied for a couple of minutes and washed off with water - no difficulties.

Important! Remember that household chemicals are harmful to the body. Therefore, you must make sure that the room is well ventilated, and that there are no animals or small children near you during cleaning and contact with substances.

A good addition to this ritual would be to clean the shower nozzles and tap openings. In most cases, water in cities is quite hard, and therefore, after drying, it can leave mineral salts.To prevent them from clogging shower heads and filters, sometimes it is necessary to disassemble and thoroughly rinse all components with hydrophobic solutions.

General recommendations for caring for plumbing fixtures

So, let's summarize. In order for the hydrobox to serve you for a long period of time, you need to perform regular daily care, set aside time for general tidying, and also take care to use only suitable products and materials. It should be understood that each part of the cabin, be it an acrylic tray, a tiled wall, chrome taps or glass doors, requires different specialized substances that are designed specifically for this material. In any case, you need to choose soft rags that do not scratch the surface.

Otherwise, there is nothing to be afraid of. With proper care for the cleanliness of the shower, it will last for many years.

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