Installation, attaching the tank to the toilet: instructions and tips

The modern realities of our lives are such that many of us have to save on everything we can. If your hands grow from where they should, then the comfort of your home can be easily arranged without resorting to outside help. Many situations can be resolved without calling electricians, plumbers or locksmiths. This will not only reduce costs, but also increase your authority among household members. If there is a need to attach a new tank to the toilet, this will not be a big problem. You just need to approach this wisely.

Getting ready for installation

You need to start work by preparing the workplace and the object of attention itself - and for us this is the drain tank and all its elements.Flush system in the toilet cistern.

Our work will come down to several stages; they do not have to be followed without exception; they need to be based on the type of device you are dealing with.

Getting rid of the old tank

It's difficult to install new equipment until you get rid of the old one. If an antique toilet has been living in your closet since the times of the Soviet Union, then it is better to immediately call a friend for help.It’s not easy to deal with this “cast iron monster” alone. Moreover, rust needs to be knocked off from rusted bolts.

The dismantling itself comes down to a simple diagram:

  1. First, turn off the water supply.
  2. Drain all the water from the tank.
  3. Disconnect all pipes from the tank. This is where you need a partner.
  4. Unscrew the fastening bolts. This must be done carefully and carefully so that the “cast iron monster” does not fall to the floor. Then you will have to reposition the tiles.
  5. We remove everything unnecessary from the room. At the same time, we sweep away everything that we have sprayed.

Now you can start preparing.

Preparing the place and materials

Before you start installing a new tank, it would be useful to check the condition of all remaining plumbing, as well as communications.

Particular attention should be paid to:

  1. More than a toilet bowl. Even if you change only one tank, you should always check the condition of this important and main element. Check that it is installed correctly with a level. If there are distortions, it would be better to correct them. The fact is that any tilt can lead to improper operation of the drain mechanism in the tank. Check the connections for tightness.
  2. Communications. Let's clarify how the water supply pipe is located. We look at what condition it is in and block it. We measure the length of the flexible hose for connecting the tank to the water main. If necessary, we prepare a ball valve, as well as additional pipes.
  3. To the cistern. We check it for the presence of defects, the presence of equipment and its condition. All fasteners must be of the required and sufficient length, as well as the flexible hose. We check the operation of the internal fittings.

Well, now it’s time to prepare the instrument. You will need the following:

  1. Stock up on flat carob and end cylindrical ones. You will need wrenches to tighten the bolts.
  2. You can't do without a tape measure, a level, a pencil, an electric drill and a hammer.
  3. An adjustable wrench will also come in handy.
  4. To ensure the tightness of the connections, a sealant and seal will be required, and a lubricant will also be needed to protect the metal parts of the connections from moisture.

Attention! Before starting installation, make sure once again that you have turned off the water.

Features of the internal mechanism of different types of tanks

If you have to install the cistern yourself, you cannot do without installing internal fittings. This is the same unit that is responsible for collecting and discharging water from the tank.Installation of toilet and cistern.

The good news is that the design of all modern products is clear and, in fact, does not raise questions. Well, if there is a hitch, you can always read the instructions.

Option one: installation of toilet fittings-compact

The inside of the tank consists of two main elements - the intake and exhaust valves. A water supply is connected to the inlet valve; it is equipped with a float, its task is to control the flow of water.installation of toilet fittings compact.

Installing this item involves several steps:

  1. Do not rush to start installation - first, in front of the external entrance to the tank, install a filter that purifies the water. It may already be installed initially.
  2. According to the instructions, we fix the fittings on the bottom wall of the tank. Check if you forgot to put the gasket on the inside. We fix it from the outside with a nut, which is included in the delivery set.
  3. The external outlet is equipped with a thread. As soon as the tank is installed, we connect the water supply hose to it.

Both the inlet valve and the drain siphon are found in two variations. They can be with one level or two. If the first type is installed and the drain button is pressed, then all the water is poured out of the tank.In the second case, it is possible to control the discharge of water. It can be drained all or partially.

The device contains three main elements: a connecting bowl, a main mechanism, and a drain button.

We mount it in the same way as with the inlet design:

  1. In its lower part, the element has the shape of a bowl; it is this that is placed inside the opening of the drain tank. It is also necessary to install a rubber gasket and secure it with a nut.
  2. When the tank is secured to the lower element, you need to attach the piston. It simply screws in until it clicks.
  3. At the last stage, when the lid is already installed, you should install a button to drain the water.

If you are planning to purchase just such a model, carefully check the package contents. Pay attention to the presence or absence of nuts and gaskets and their quality. If suddenly any elements supplied in the kit are not particularly good, and often they are not of the highest level, then they can be replaced.

The included rubber gaskets can always be replaced with silicone ones, which are much better. It is also better to use bolts that are not afraid of corrosion.

But all these changes should be made before the system is installed.

Option two: the internal structure of a hinged type drain tank

The main difference between this model and the first option is the need to install an intake valve on the side wall. In this case, a lever-type drain design is used. This feature forced the developers to change the type of float, as well as the release valve.

However, despite all these differences, installation is not much more complicated than the first option. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions from the instructions.

Option three: internal structure of the built-in cistern

The undeniable advantage of this toilet model is that there is no need to install fittings in the flush tank. Already initially all the mechanisms are assembled and installed. The only thing required is to connect a double button to drain the water.

The procedure for attaching the tank to the toilet with your own hands

When all the preparatory work is left behind and the interior is completely assembled, you can begin installing the tank. Toilet cisterns have different designs and are mounted in different ways. But since the most common model is the compact toilet, we’ll use it as an example. Installation consists of a series of sequential actions.

This job requires very few tools, and you don't even need a partner.

  1. We place the internal fittings in the tank and fix them.
  2. Place the seal on the shelf. If the fixing bolts are properly tightened, the water drain hole will be sealed with a gasket. But it is better to use silicone sealant.
  3. We place the tank so that the gasket is directly under the drain. The holes for fasteners in the toilet and cistern must be strictly opposite each other.
  4. We put washers in the form of cones on the bolts, as well as rubber gaskets. The tapered part of the gaskets should face down. Having threaded them through two holes, put on the second set of washers and gaskets and tighten the nuts.

The hand strength is clearly not enough to properly tighten the nuts. You can't do without keys here. A socket wrench is placed on the head of the bolt, and to prevent the bolt from turning from below, hold the nut with an open-end wrench.

Do not use excessive force when tightening the bolts.The greater the pressure on the gasket, the shorter its service life will be. And the ceramics of the tank may well crack from the pressure of the bolts.

Now you need to align the tank relative to the horizontal and vertical. We check its level position and, if necessary, tighten or, conversely, loosen the fastening bolts.

As soon as all the work is left behind, we hide the bolts under plastic nozzles. If there are none, then we apply a lubricant to them that protects against corrosion. We check whether we have installed all the fittings inside and set them up. Now you can close the tank with a lid, and install a button on it to reset the water.

Now you can connect the supply pipe and the inlet valve. A flexible hose will help us here; most importantly, do not forget to check whether it has gaskets. To enhance the sealing, we use tow or sealing tape.Installation of a cistern.

It is not recommended to use sealant for this case. After all, there is no guarantee that there will be no need to replace the hose.

We check how tight the drain mechanism is and whether it works correctly. To do this, you need to supply water to the tank.

If, after checking, no leaks are found either at the gasket or at the joints, it means that the task was completed successfully and you can do a test drain. After this, we additionally check for possible water leaks. Now everything is finally ready and the toilet can be used.

Technology for installing a new tank

First of all, it is necessary to assemble and install all the internal fittings.

Attention! When all the internal elements are finally installed, you need to make sure that their moving components do not touch each other.

Now you need to secure the tank.Once it is secured, you can replace the cover and the release button that connects to the release valve.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. But! If you have never had to deal with such problems in your life, it would be useful to contact a specialist. This will save both time and nerves. When the master is working, watch him. And then next time you can cope on your own.

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