How to remove a toilet lid with a button

The plumbing is broken?! There is no need to worry so much, it’s an everyday matter, sooner or later it would still fail. It’s simpler and easier to call plumbers to immediately fix all the problems, but... If it’s a regular drain problem, and your hands are in the right place, why pay more?

The main thing in this matter is to understand how to remove covers equipped with a button. These are the models that are most widespread today. In order to remove the lid from them, you will have to put in more effort than from a toilet with some kind of chains or levers. As they say: “The eyes fear, but the hands do.”Tank with one button.

Why remove the toilet lid and how to do it

Why do you have to remove the cap from the drain tank? Inside the tank there is a drainage mechanism and a mechanism responsible for collecting water.

Since plastic and rubber are usually used to manufacture devices located inside the drain tank, and their durability leaves much to be desired, it is natural that the structural elements gradually become unusable.

The main breakdowns include:

  • no water release when you press the button;
  • puddles under the container;
  • lack of water in the tank;
  • water flowing through the overflow hole.

As soon as the first signs of malfunction are noticed, it is necessary to disassemble the drain tank. When getting started, you need to remember a few simple but important rules:

  • remember the sequence of actions;
  • work carefully;
  • gradually increase the force load on the structural elements.

Whatever the trigger mechanism, removing the lid from the tank will not be difficult. All that is required is to unscrew the button that belongs to the top of the trigger mechanism.Toilet cistern buttons.

Important! In addition to the fact that modern toilet cisterns look beautiful and stylish, they are often high-tech equipment. Without the appropriate skills, it is not so easy to deal with them. And although they make our life much easier in terms of operation and make it more comfortable, when it comes to repairs, they cause headaches. A tank lid with a microlift is one such device.

More modern and functional devices are more often at risk of malfunctions. That is why they need to be periodically inspected and preventive maintenance carried out. Over time, dust and dirt accumulate on them, which inevitably leads to breakdown. In order to access the device, it must first be disassembled.

The internal system of all toilets is almost the same, and as for the lids, different versions of the devices have their own characteristics, and they must be studied first. If you are not sure that you have enough knowledge, then it is better not to take risks, but to invite a professional. This is both faster and more reliable, although not free.

How to remove a toilet lid with a button: procedure

If you decide to remove the toilet lid yourself, follow the following sequence of actions:

  • press the central part of the button and, holding it, grab the inner and outer edges of the sides;
  • While continuing to hold the button pressed, rotate it in the direction of the clock until it comes out (while rotating, count how many full turns you have made);
  • remove the button and lift the tank lid.Sequence of actions when removing the lid from the tank.

Now access to the insides of the tank is open.

What if there are two buttons on the lid? In this case:

  1. You need to press a small button. When it sinks down, a slot will become visible on the opened wall. If you pry this slot with a screwdriver, you can pull out one of the buttons. It won't be difficult to extract the second one.
  2. Once you are done with removing the buttons, the screw will become visible. It needs to be unscrewed.
  3. Further everything follows the already proven scheme. The cylinder on which there were buttons is unscrewed, removed, and then the cover is removed. All.How to remove the cover if there are two buttons on it.

But if your plumbing fixture has some kind of particularly complex system, don’t torture yourself. Call a plumber - let it be his headache.

There are some rules that must be followed when disassembling any type of mechanism. You should also adhere to them when dismantling the toilet:

  1. If you have to disassemble any structure, you need to clearly remember the order of the actions performed. Assembly must be done in reverse order.
  2. When working, you should be careful: if the parts are highly fragile, they should be folded so as not to break or accidentally step on them. The fastening elements must be placed in a separate place so that they are at hand and not scattered all over the floor.
  3. If you cannot disassemble any part (it cannot be unscrewed or removed), it is logical to assume that the actions are incorrect. In general, you should be more careful with unfamiliar devices and force should be applied gently, and not as usual.

“If it doesn’t give in, then you should hit it with a sledgehammer!” - this is definitely not what you should do!

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