How to remove and dismantle the toilet yourself

We all know the saying that appetite comes with eating. The situation is similar with repairs. As soon as something is repaired, a desire arises to improve something else, replace something, or purchase new equipment. In short, this can be a never-ending process. If you have repaired a sanitary facility, then most likely you will think about replacing the toilet. After all, now the old device no longer harmonizes with the new environment. This is normal and logical.

And if cracks are visible on the device, chips have appeared and it, in principle, does not work, then there is no need to repair the room in order to understand that the unit requires replacement.

But before you install something new, you need to somehow get rid of the old one. Sometimes in such situations they invite a specialist, but... where do we get the extra money? It is quite possible to dismantle the old device on your own.Toilet.

Preparatory stage and safety measures

Before you remove the old device, you need to think about buying a new one, stock up on the necessary tools, and think over a work plan.

Reference! Before purchasing a new toilet, study its characteristics and shape. This will allow you to choose the optimal model.

If you are planning a major renovation and want to change the pipes at the same time as installing the toilet, then you can safely purchase any model, even if it differs in shape and method of water supply.

There is no need to remove old plumbing until you find a replacement.

Remove all objects that will interfere with you. You should have as much free space as possible.

Check the functionality of the shut-off valves. If it does not function, then you should shut off the riser and install a new tap. And only now start removing the toilet.

Turn off the water. Empty the drain tank.

Important! Please ensure that the water is well shut off and does not flow into the drain tank. Do not use running water.

Once the tank has been drained, you can disconnect the supply hose. This is where pliers or a wrench with a 15mm head will help you. After disconnecting the hose, remove the tank from the toilet.

If you are dealing with a classic model, then you need to remove the tank cover and unscrew the fasteners.Preparatory stage and safety measures.

How to remove a toilet: dismantling technology

Before you begin dismantling, prepare a plug from a rag to plug the outlet pipe if it is cast iron. There are special plugs for plastic pipes. This will save you from having to inhale sewer “odors.”

Existing dismantling methods:

  1. The easiest way would be to simply break the tap. After this, it is necessary to remove all the fragments and clean up the remaining cementitious composition. If the toilet is simply not secured, then by breaking the outlet, it can also be removed. Try not to destroy the pipe and make sure that no crumbs get into it. Regular rags will avoid this.
  2. The second method is conservative. After completing the preparatory work, you can begin dismantling. The work will depend on how the toilet is secured.

To remove modern models, you will need a wrench, as they are secured with nuts.

Reference! If the nuts have rusted due to moisture and cannot be unscrewed, then you can simply cut them off with a hacksaw or grinder.

This stage requires special care. Make sure that the tank does not fall. It can not only break the tiles, but also crack itself.

Once the fasteners are removed, the pipe can be removed from the system. At the junction of the bowl and the pipe, you need to clean off the remaining sealant and cement mixture. After this you can remove the toilet.

After dismantling the device, remove all debris from the pipe, as well as any remaining fasteners. Check and remove, if necessary, traces of sealant.

Important! Do not place the removed toilet on the floor.

Tips for removing an old toilet

If your plans do not include a major renovation of the room, changing the flooring, and you want to leave the toilet itself intact, then you will need to remove it extremely carefully. Toilets, especially in older houses, stay very firmly in place. After all, due to the passage of time, the fasteners are all rusted and it is simply impossible to twist them. Whatever one may say, you will have to remove several tiles.

If the joint and the pipe are filled with cement, then you need to use a crowbar or a chisel with a hammer.

Carefully chip off the cement composition near the base and outlet.

Important! There is no need for haste in this matter. Work carefully to avoid damaging the pipe.

If the toilet is on a wooden base, then it needs to be knocked away from the bowl. Once the base is removed, the remaining fasteners should be removed.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about dismantling the toilet yourself. Prepare everything you need and you will certainly succeed.

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