How to hang toilet paper correctly

There are many mysteries and controversial issues in the world that divide people into different groups. One such issue involves how to hang the toilet paper in the holder. At first glance, this may seem like a funny joke, but many people take this issue seriously. Are you sure that you hung the roll correctly?

How to hang toilet paper correctly

What is the dispute about?

For some people, it doesn't matter exactly how to hang the paper in the holder. And some people don’t use the holder at all. However, there are two camps that fundamentally resolve this issue.

what is the dispute about

For some, it’s important to hang paper end to the wall. They justify this by ease of use and savings.

Another camp hangs a roll the end further from the wall and closer to yourself. Proponents of this method give their arguments in defense of this method.

Reference. This option is believed to attract wealth and also reduce the risk of disease.

Are there really strict canons that we all must adhere to? It turns out yes.

Only one way is considered correct

The right way

Despite the arguments of each side, there is only one correct option for placing toilet paper.

Reference. The roll must be hung with its free edge from the wall.

The presented method has been documented and proven to be effective in numerous studies.

You can't argue with a patent


Until now, it was believed that patents were issued only for scientific discoveries. Now know: the method of attaching toilet paper is also recorded in the patent.

Reference. Such a document is dated September 15, 1891, and the invention belongs to Seth Wheeler.

It was he who invented the type of roll that we still use today. The inventor proposed rolling a long strip of paper into one large roll. At the same time, make transverse notches or perforation lines for the convenience of tearing off small pieces.

Wheeler even made explanatory drawings and drawings for the correct application of his invention. According to his diagrams, the roll must be placed end from the wall. This means that this option is the only correct one. After all, the patent is silent about the second method.

Scientific research does not conflict with a patent

Scientists also agreed with this method. They conducted numerous research projects, during which they obtained interesting results. The work studied the connection between the fastening of the roll and a person’s temperament, characteristics of his character and behavior in society. In addition, the practicality and safety of two methods of hanging the roll were considered.

what the research says

Patented method is more hygienic

Walls, ceilings, floors and other surfaces in the home toilet and public places contain a large number of different microorganisms that cause diseases in humans. Even with periodic disinfection, germs remain on various things.

Important! Contact of toilet paper with the wall can lead to infection of the body with pathogenic microflora.

That's why the overhanging edge should be further from the wall.

To tear off a piece of the desired size, if positioned correctly, you just need to lightly pull the edge. If positioned incorrectly, you will need to touch the roll, which will result in unnecessary paper contamination. This option causes the spread of infections and diseases.

For wealthy people, the roll hangs correctly

Researchers found out the characteristics of hanging rolls among different classes of people. It was revealed that rich people usually place the dangling end closer to themselves.

Reference. According to statistics, more than 60% of wealthy people hang a roll in accordance with the rule. And 73% of people with below-average incomes place the end closer to the wall.

As you can see, scientists have approved exactly the right method.

How does the habit of hanging a roll in the toilet characterize a person?

characteristics of a person

We managed to find such interesting information. It turns out that the habit of hanging a roll of paper gives a unique characteristic to a person.

subordinate and leader

Correct location:

  • Indicates that a person occupies a dominant position in society and strives to take the best in everything.
  • Using a patented method reveals a technician.

Incorrect location:

  • It says that a person prone to shyness and modesty.
  • The location of the free edge closer to the wall becomes a sign of a humanist.

There is also an opinion that placing the edge closer to the wall is typical for people with a higher level of intelligence. But there is no exact evidence for this assumption.

Comments and feedback:

This is how the type of roll is patented, not the method of attaching it.

Evlampy Sukhodrishchev

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