How to use a bidet

The popularity of bidets has been increasing more and more lately. Many appreciated the functionality and practicality of this device. However, for some, the question is: “Why spend money on an additional structure when there is a bathtub?” still remains open.

Why do you need a bidet

Taking care of your own body hygiene is one of the basic daily tasks of a modern person. Of course, you can deal with it in a variety of ways: from regular toilet paper to using a shower after bowel movements. But the most convenient will be the bidet.

The French invention is a small sink, reminiscent of a toilet in shape and installation method. It always has a faucet with mixer, automatic pull-out nozzles or a mini shower. This device is necessary primarily for the convenience of cleansing the genitals.Bidet and toilet.

This point is especially important for people with disabilities, the elderly, or those suffering from certain diseases (for example, hemorrhoids). Thanks to the design of the bidet, you don't have to climb into a high bathtub or shower to clean yourself, and you can also eliminate the use of toilet paper if it causes pain.

Reference! By the way, in some cases, if the bowl is properly cleaned, you can even bathe babies in it or make various baths for feet and hands.The main thing is to remember the need to thoroughly wash the sink itself and take care of its disinfection.

Features of the device and types of bidets

Today there is a huge range of different systems for ablution. An extensive selection allows you to choose a model that fits perfectly into your bathroom in size, style, color, functionality and even cost.

The first criterion that you need to pay attention to is the dimensions of the room where the bidet will be installed. If the area of ​​the room is small, this is not a reason to exclude it from the plans. Today, in addition to conventional devices, there are seats with built-in nozzles, and separate mini-showers that are screwed directly to the wall, and even a complex option: a combined toilet-bidet design.Bidet toilet.

Next you need to figure out the style and color. Designers recommend purchasing everything as a set, so that later there are no questions about how everything looks. The best option is if the ablution sink is made of the same material (faience or porcelain) and has the same shade and shape as the toilet.

In this matter, the main choice will be between floor and suspended structures. The former inspire confidence with their monumentality, but at the same time they can occupy more space. But the latter, if installed correctly, will be free from this flaw, but at the same time will withstand significant weight (up to 400 kg).Hanging bidet.

Reference! Porcelain will be the most durable purchase. The fact is that the surface of earthenware products is porous, and therefore quickly absorbs dirt, odors and, of course, is more exposed to chemicals (destroyed).

Also, the cost of the device directly depends on its capabilities.You can choose between mechanical control, when each time you will be forced to independently adjust the inclination of the water jet, its temperature and pressure, or automatic. The latter option has remote control, the ability to control and change all parameters, comparing them with preset ones.

In addition to equipment, water drainage also plays a huge role: horizontal, vertical or oblique. Everything here is determined solely by your preferences. Of course, in this matter one cannot overlook the availability of options.

Ask the seller about the microlift and heated seats, motion sensors that can lift the lid when you appear, automatic disinfection of nozzles and a hair dryer function. By the way, the latter plays an extremely important role, because thanks to it you can make the process even more hygienic (you don’t have to use a towel or napkins).

Which device you choose is up to you to decide. Considering how advanced technology is today, it is possible to provide for all the smallest nuances.

How to use a bidet correctly for women (photo)

For the fair half of humanity, the issue of regular hygiene is most acute due to the fact that the genitals are located inside the body. This increases the risk of various diseases. It is necessary to wash yourself not only after bowel movements, but also after each sexual intercourse, and especially often during menstruation.

In fact, there are no strict rules limiting the use of a bidet. You can sit on the device as you wish: with your back or facing the wall. However, most women still prefer the second option.The only thing worth taking care of is the availability of soap (or better yet, a special product for intimate hygiene), since with its help you can really anticipate the risk of infection. And do not forget that you need to wash yourself with your hands; the structure itself is intended only to supply water and drain it into the sewer.How to use a bidet correctly for women.

Attention! A bidet is essentially a small bathtub. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to throw napkins and other hygiene products into the bowl after use. This can cause clogged pipes.

How to use a bidet for men

For a long time it was believed that this system was an exclusively female household element. But this is not true at all! Fortunately, today men understand how important it is to take care of their body cleanliness, and they also take advantage of the convenience of special equipment.

There is nothing complicated, it is enough just to begin the ablution procedure immediately after bowel movement. As for exactly how to sit, again there are no restrictions - do what is comfortable for you. Considering the characteristics of the male body, it is better to sit with your back to the wall.

Be sure to check the water temperature and pressure first! Otherwise, unpleasant situations may arise. And, of course, do not forget about soap, because water can only wash away visible dirt.

A bidet is no longer a luxury, but a necessity, the use of which is dictated by concern for one’s own health and comfort. By installing this system in your home, you will certainly be satisfied.

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