What is a rimless toilet

Not long ago, a completely new model of plumbing fixture appeared on the market. To have a good understanding of which toilet is right for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the operating principle, advantages and disadvantages of a rimless toilet.

Rimless toilet: what does it mean?

The fundamental difference from the usual classics lies even in the name. It is understood that the new design does not have a special rim, which everyone is accustomed to seeing at the top of standard bowls.

The usual model is made in such a way that when flushed, water passes through the ring, thereby ensuring complete cleaning of the entire container. However, this property, which is positive at first glance, actually does not quite fit into the concept of hygiene.

It turns out that inside this very gutter, favorable conditions are formed for the reproduction and vital activity of all kinds of bacteria. All this requires careful regular care and the use of strong household chemicals to treat the rim specifically. This type of cleaning takes a lot of effort and time, which is why many owners rarely do it at home.

To avoid such difficulties, many companies today offer a newly developed model of the device, which simply does not have a rim, which immediately solves the above problems.Rimless toilet.

Features of the device and operating principle of a rimless toilet

Many buyers in plumbing stores have a logical question: how can a bowl be washed completely if there is no protrusion that serves as water distribution? Manufacturers, of course, have provided for a similar function in modern devices.

Regardless of which brand you prefer (there are no restrictions or GOSTs on the shape of the bowl and design features), the water pressure during flushing will be the most powerful. In addition, a special flow direction system has now been created: a divider with three channels is usually installed on the back wall of the toilet. With its help, the liquid can be distributed over the entire surface and at the same time not splash.

The new drainage system determined the possible installation methods, and, consequently, the types of structures themselves. This is how floor-standing and hanging devices are distinguished. The former take up a lot of space, but do not cause fear that the toilet is about to collapse or crack. This installation method is practically no different from conventional models.

The latter are characterized by a more interesting attitude. The structure is mounted directly into the wall, and the tank itself is hidden, made in a shape different from the usual version.Rimless wall-hung toilet.

Thanks to this method, it is possible not only to give the room a more stylish and aesthetic look, but also to take care of sound insulation.

Reference! Some worry that such a device will not withstand the weight of the human body and will collapse. However, if installed correctly, this is impossible, so you should contact a competent technician. The toilet itself is designed for a weight of up to 500 kg, which indicates its good strength.

When choosing plumbing fixtures, it is worth considering a number of parameters:

  1. Material. Most often they offer porcelain and earthenware products. It is necessary to understand that the first ones are the smoothest, which means they will be more convenient to wash.
  2. Surface evenness. The homogeneity of the mixture from which this product is made directly determines the rate of formation of various defects. The presence of the latter significantly distorts the appearance and increases the risk of breakdown.
  3. Uniformity of color. Consider the features of your interior and design. For example, a grayish or, especially, a yellow tint will clearly not fit into a snow-white room.
  4. Availability of additional functions. Today, devices surprise with their capabilities. If desired, you can purchase a model equipped with motion sensors that raise and lower the lid, or equipped with additional reservoirs in the drainage system into which you can pour detergents and aromatic products.

Pros and cons of rimless models

To form a complete opinion about the system under consideration, it is necessary to take into account its advantages and disadvantages.

The positive aspects include:

  • lack of a place of accumulation for various microorganisms and the possibility of rust formation;
  • simplified surface cleaning procedure, thanks to which it is enough to wash only the visible part;
  • as a consequence of the above point - there is no need to use caustic chemicals, now an ordinary soap solution is enough;
  • in the case of using a hanging option, a more stylish and ergonomic solution in the interior;
  • the cost is no different from other options;
  • water consumption reduced by 30% during active use, ensured by a specially designed flushing system.

In fact, this toilet has practically no disadvantages. Of course, some wishes of individual users can be attributed to them, but nothing more. For example, it is believed that rimless products:

  • have an inconvenient and small bowl, which can lead to liquids splashing out on the floor or splashing on clothes;
  • are incorrectly presented in advertising, because in fact not a single hygiene device can be cleaned with just a damp cloth;
  • they are still not completely protected from places where harmful bacteria and microbes accumulate, since there is also a place for water drainage.

The consumer will have to decide for himself how correct the arguments of each side are. The main thing is to understand what kind of device you are buying for your home and how to use it.

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