What not to flush down the toilet

Clogged sewer pipes - I don’t even want to imagine all this horror! But this trouble is easier to prevent than to eliminate. It’s not difficult to do this, you just need to not wash off everything that comes to hand!

What not to flush down the toilet

Let’s figure out what should absolutely not be washed down the drain.

Leftover food and products

When flushing spoiled food scraps down the toilet, many console themselves with the fact that they are organic. This means they decompose over time. Yes it is. But this is unlikely to happen very quickly. Especially when a large lump of food clogs the drain.

Never throw the following foods down the drain; instead, place them in the trash.



Absorbs moisture well and swells. Lumps can stick to the pipe walls, trapping other debris that can be washed away.

The result is an unpleasant blockage in the sewer.

Important! The same prohibition applies to all products with a high gluten content: rice, pasta, leftover dough.



When in contact with cold water, fats quickly harden and settle on the surface. That's why Never pour any remaining oil down the drain after cooking..

After cooking, dishes should only be washed in hot water. And don't skimp on plenty of detergent, which will break down the fat molecules and make them water-soluble.

Eggshells, tea and coffee grounds

Few people know, but eggshells can also cause a blockage. And this applies not only to large, but also to small particles from shells.


You should not tempt fate by flushing tea from a teapot or coffee grounds down the drain.

Medicines and hygiene products

When doing the next check in the medicine cabinet, many people dispose of spoiled medications in the toilet. It would seem that the tablets dissolve well in water and there can be no blockage.


Reference! Water with a large amount of chemical compounds has a bad effect on the environment and also requires finer filtration at treatment stations.

It is better to throw away unnecessary tablets along with the packaging in the trash.

Hygiene products that are made from insoluble polymers are strictly prohibited from being disposed of in the sewer system.. No wonder they warn about this in almost all toilets. This is the most common cause of blockages.

hygiene products

Important! Used sanitary and panty liners, diapers, condoms, wet wipes, cotton swabs and pads, adhesive plasters, dental floss, as well as any packaging containing these items should only go into the trash bin.

If you are somehow visually confused by the presence of these things in the trash bin, then simply wrap the used item in toilet paper. This will help avoid a large number of household problems in the future.

Other types of debris that will cause a clog

other types of waste

  • Any construction waste, small wrappers and candy wrappers, labels and stickers should go straight into the trash bag, bypassing the toilet.
  • If anyone in your household smokes, be sure to warn them about the dangers of flushing cigarette butts into the toilet. While cleaning contents of the ashtray should also be thrown into a bin.
  • Household chemicals, especially concentrated ones, should not be poured down the drain. It can damage the pipes and create many problems for the residents of the house.

Important! The only exceptions are special detergents that are intended for cleaning plumbing fixtures or removing blockages in pipes. But you should also be extremely careful with them.

  • Paper napkins its structure is much denser than toilet paper. A large volume of wipes accumulated in the drain dissolves much more slowly and can therefore cause a blockage.
  • Cat litter after cleaning the tray it should go into a bucket. For better absorption of moisture and odors, clumping substances are added to their composition: clay and sand. In a large amount of liquid, the filler swells and sticks together, which can lead to a blockage in the sewer.
  • It would seem that, hair is of natural origin and therefore should not cause much harm to the sewer system. But the problem is that they tend to accumulate in pipes, clinging to the slightest protrusions or debris, especially large ones pet hairballs or long curls. After cutting your hair, never flush your hair down the toilet! It's better to throw them in the trash or burn them.

Important! Not only in the toilet, but also in the bathroom, care should be taken to prevent blockages. If there is someone in the family who has voluminous and long hair, then it is better to put a special strainer in the drain that will trap the hair.

You will be surprised how much garbage will accumulate there. But all this could end up in the sewer and ultimately create an unpleasant problem.

Be careful when disposing of even those items that the manufacturer allows you to flush down the drain.

Advice! Even if there is a permit symbol on the packaging of wet wipes, toilet paper or cat litter, you should not flush large amounts of this garbage down the drain.

Too much debris flushed at once will not dissolve quickly. And then you will no longer be able to cope without the help of a plumbing specialist.

We hope that all problems with sewer pipes will bypass your home!

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers