What to do if a rag gets into the toilet

A rag that gets into the toilet along with water is one of the most common causes of blockages. Actually, in this case you need to call a plumber. He can clean the pipes professionally. But often you can solve the problem yourself.

What to do if a rag gets into the toilet

Methods available to a woman

There is very little chance that the rag will pass painlessly through the pipes and not get caught on anything. But is it worth immediately sounding the alarm and looking for a plumber to deal with the problem? Can a woman solve this issue on her own? Let's say right away: yes, it can! Here are some available methods.

Reference. If the flap that fell into the sewer was small, you will be able to avoid trouble. Flush the water a few times or pour out a few buckets of water and make sure it disappears as usual.


Let's try to get it

Yes, yes, if the fabric splashes out with a small amount of water, it is most likely located nearby, in the area where the toilet is connected to the lounger. We'll have to get it! Without delay, you need to put on high rubber gloves and try to remove the rag yourself.

Important! It is imperative to constantly check that the hand can be pulled out freely. Otherwise you might get stuck in the pipe! And then the woman herself will need help.

Let's use chemistry


You can also use harsh chemicals made from alkali. They will be able to dissolve the rag.

Special means for cleaning drains are suitable. However, there is a caveat - dissolution will occur if the material is of organic origin. Synthetic fabrics do not decompose quickly.

Nothing helped? You need to call your spouse for help!

Blockage requiring male intervention

As a rule, most men will be able to roughly determine where the blockage has formed. Many of them also have a stock of tools in their arsenal that can be used to clean the pipe.



This simple thing is found in almost every home. A plunger can quickly return the rag from the drain hole if the fabric has not yet gone too far.

A woman will also be able to cope with this task if she has at least once seen how to handle this device.



One of these gadgets can be a plumbing cable. It is easy to find in specialized stores. This cable is made of several wires twisted together.

By passing the wire into the toilet and further into the pipe, you can quickly find the place where the rag is stuck. And then, with gentle rotational movements, wind it around the cable and pull it out. This is a surefire way to get rid of a dangerous clog without the help of professional plumbers.

When should you call a plumber?

call a plumber

If the problem is not resolved as soon as possible, You need to call a plumber immediately. Especially if the situation occurred in an apartment building. Only a specialist can solve the problem and save neighbors from broken plumbing and flooding with feces.

Important! When water stops coming out of the toilet after flushing or rises to the top, you need to call a plumber as an emergency.

The contents of the sewer can rise to the top and flood the apartment.There have been cases when owners, having gone to work, found their house in a completely indecent state.

Even if the water drains well and nothing bad happens, it is better to call a professional to check the quality of the system. It will be calmer this way!

If the house is private and the rag has gone much further than the drainage system in the house, a specialist is definitely needed. Most of these systems are equipped with fecal pumps, which can burn if a rag is wrapped around them. It is necessary to clean the system, remove the wound rag and remove other debris that will have time to stick to the material during this time.

In general, a rag flushed down the toilet is not a disaster. But this is a serious problem that needs to be solved quickly.

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