Vertical stripes on the TV screen

different stripesOften users encounter such a nuisance as the appearance of vertical stripes on the TV screen. This defect is caused by a malfunction of either the matrix, or the loop or other circuit elements. If this type of problem occurs, the user should not worry, because most problems of this kind are not critical and can be fixed.

Possible causes of problems

A vertical stripe that appears does not necessarily indicate an important technical problem. It is quite possible that the reason is much easier to solve than it might seem at first glance. The most basic causes of failure are as follows:

  1. The problem is in the image settings. This can be corrected by using automatic tuning.
  2. The problem is with the cable connectors. If used for a long enough time, the cable input may become dirty or one of its contacts may be damaged. This problem can be solved either by cleaning or soldering the contacts.
  3. Cable integrity is damaged. The problem occurs when the cable is frequently bent or broken. The problem is easily solved by replacing the cable. If there is no possibility of replacement, then, as in the previous case, a soldering iron can come to the aid of the user.

stripes in certain partsIf a band appears and then disappears on a plasma TV, and is also accompanied by distortion of the image or color scheme, the malfunction is much more complex.It will be more difficult to remove it. Here are the most common causes of problems of this nature.

  1. Breakage or violation of the integrity of the matrix connection cable.
  2. Disturbances in the matrix itself
  3. Failure in one or more elements of the circuit.

With the proper desire, absolutely any malfunction can be eliminated. However, on modern TV models, purchasing new components can be compared to the cost of a new device. That is why repair is not always advisable, especially if the TV has served for a long time. Since replacing parts does not guarantee high-quality performance, and a long period of operation can lead to new breakdowns, if problems arise, you should consider purchasing a new model.

If the stripes appeared suddenly and the TV was not subjected to mechanical stress, you can use warranty service. If the warranty period has not yet expired, this will be the best way out of this situation.

In a situation where the warranty period has expired and purchasing new equipment is impossible, there are some tips on how to try to fix the problem yourself.

Important! Remember that during the warranty period you should not give the equipment to private individuals for repair, or try to disassemble the device yourself. This may result in warranty service being terminated and the user being denied repairs.

Replacing the cable

The most common cause of streaks on the screen is damage to the cable.

Attention! You should not start repairing complex equipment if you lack the tools, knowledge and skills in this area.

Professionals use special machines to restore cables, the purchase of which is impractical to repair one breakdown. That is why the best way out of the situation would be to replace the cable.

This is what the cable looks like on TVFirst, you should order a new part, having previously specified the model and year of manufacture of the TV. To change the cable, the user will need screwdrivers or bits, depending on the TV model. To get to the problematic element, you must carefully disassemble the case.

Important! In some TV models, the wires may be fixed to the panel, so you should carefully unscrew and disassemble the device case so as not to break accidental contact.

In modern TVs, the wires are attached to special connectors. Therefore, they do not need to be desoldered when replacing parts. When the cable is detected, it should be carefully disconnected without pressing on the board itself, as it can easily be broken.

After the old cable is disconnected, a new one should be connected in its place. This should also be done carefully, since it is very easy to damage the contacts, which will lead to more complex and expensive repairs. Also, the new part should be shaped similar to the old one so that it does not interfere during assembly. The device should be assembled in the reverse order of disassembly.

Important! When attaching the cable, under no circumstances should it be bent or twisted. This can damage the contacts inside, rendering the part completely unusable.

Replacing the matrix

Problems with the matrix may be indicated by a stripe of the same color that appears and disappears at different intervals. If this problem occurs quite often, you should consider the question of repair.In the case when the stripe is black and increases in size over time, this indicates a problem with the decoder, which is located directly in the matrix itself.

modern TVsThe matrix is ​​the most expensive part in a TV, so the best solution to the problem is to contact a specialized service if the warranty period has not expired. Otherwise, you should contact specialists from other services. But the user should be prepared for a very high price tag that a technician can charge for replacing a part.

If the user decides to replace the matrix himself, he should remember several important rules.

  1. Most of the pins on the board are very thin and extremely susceptible to damage. Therefore, replacement of parts must be carried out very carefully.
  2. For deeper repairs, such as re-soldering parts, it is necessary to have special equipment such as a magnifying glass or an infrared soldering iron.
  3. In the absence of knowledge and skills, it is impractical to repair such complex equipment; this can lead to even greater breakdowns.

Poor contact

matrix replacementThe most obvious and simple problem is poor contact in the connector itself. This problem can be solved with one click on the connection. If the contacts on the connector are oxidized, you should increase the pressing force. This is the simplest problem and can be easily solved. However, if after the described actions the stripes on the screen do not disappear, the problem may be in the cable itself. In this case, more effort will be required to restore it.

Vertical stripes are a fairly common problem that requires an individual approach.Devices such as an LCD TV or computer monitor are very complex equipment that not everyone can repair. Some problems can be solved without special knowledge or skills, however, many of the above problems cannot be dealt with on your own.

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