Colored spots on the TV screen

Colored spots on the TV screen.The appearance of colored spots on the TV screen always comes as a real surprise to the owner. Regardless of the type, such a defect indicates the emergence of serious problems in the operation of the equipment. In most cases, you can identify the cause and solve the problem yourself.

Reasons for the appearance of colored spots

The causes of this malfunction can be many factors. The type of TV also matters. This can affect the location and shade of the resulting spots. When choosing and purchasing a TV receiver, experts recommend taking into account all the nuances and possible problems that may arise during use, since many faults cannot be repaired. This may cause unexpected financial expenses that will be associated with the urgent purchase of a new TV.


This variety is one of the first among advanced televisions. The image on such units is demonstrated using cathode ray tubes. A special system for deflecting electron beams creates a full-fledged picture, rich in color palette.

Colored spots on the CRT TV screen.

REFERENCE! This characteristic is the main difference from LCD or plasma options.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of colored spots.They are all associated with different factors and require different solutions to the problem.

Possible factors:

  • the most common reason is demagnetization of the standard kinescope system;
  • interruptions in cyclic switching on and off of the unit;
  • additional household appliances that create a strong electromagnetic field (if the equipment is located near the TV).

The first point is somewhat more difficult to cope with on your own. The remaining reasons are easy to solve in a short time.

ATTENTION! Spots that appear as a result of a fall or strong impact indicate failure of the kinescope itself.

Liquid crystal and LED varieties

These models are among the highest quality and most in demand on the modern market. The big advantage is the almost complete absence of defects. Accordingly, the appearance of colored spots on the monitor is practically excluded. However, even such TVs are not immune to this malfunction. The reasons are very common.

Colored spots on the screen of a modern TV.


  • matrix failure;
  • possible malfunction of the board responsible for image formation.

Such factors are among the most difficult when carrying out repair work. The disadvantage is the possible likelihood that the TV will be completely faulty. This will lead to the purchase of a new device.

Plasma models

Plasma household devices are one of the most expensive varieties among the presented range of televisions. They are distinguished by a wide range of additional functions, a rich color palette and realistic images.

As in the variety described above, two options can serve as a factor in the appearance of such a defect:

  • malfunction of image blocks;
  • damage to the power circuit.

ATTENTION! At the first signs, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialized service for diagnostics and repair work.

How to remove color spots from a TV screen

There are not many options available for a solution. The advantage of CRT TV receivers is the ability to carry out repairs yourself. First of all, you should determine the cause of these spots. The nearby equipment is of great importance. It is capable of producing strong radiation, which negatively affects the quality of the TV image. To solve the problem, it is recommended to move the devices to a safe distance and check the TV.

If you have a CRT TV, you can remove stains from the screen yourself.

REFERENCE! Such devices include hair dryers, microwave ovens, radios, and speakers.

Screen magnetization is the most common problem for TV receivers with picture tubes. In this case, you can deal with the defect in several stages. The TV must be turned off with the power button, and then remove the plug from the socket. Approximate time - at least half an hour. After the period has passed, the procedure must be repeated. Such actions will help resolve the problem.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to carry out such a procedure regularly. This will help avoid the occurrence of such defects and extend the life of the TV.

If the methods described above did not help, the problem lies in the failure of the kinescope. These models are not very popular now. Therefore, not every technician can fix problems. Repairs will cost a large sum.

When repairing liquid crystal, plasma or LED models, the process is somewhat more complicated. Diagnosing and replacing failed parts is quite difficult without the appropriate skills. In this case, a visit to a specialist cannot be postponed, since the appearance of colored spots can negatively affect the operation of all elements of the device. If there are minor signs of malfunction, you should immediately contact a professional.

TV is an integral attribute of modern life and leisure. The appearance of distorting defects significantly degrades image quality. One of the common problems is the appearance of colored spots on the screen. It can be solved in different ways - it all depends on the type of device.

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