Why does the church prohibit watching TV after a funeral?

Traditions associated with death are the most revered in the world, since death is an incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon, due to the unknown and the fear of this unknown. Many people believe in sticking to traditions after a funeral, particularly the trend of not watching television.

You can't watch TV after a funeral: reasons

The reasons for the ban on watching TV are due to the fact that its surface, like a mirror, reflects the silhouettes of people. The mirror is a portal between worlds. In order for the deceased to go to another world, all reflective surfaces should be covered with thick fabric. It is believed that if this tradition is not followed, the soul of the deceased person will remain in the mirror surface and will never be able to come out. This means that she will not find a place for herself and will wander forever, tormenting her owners with her wanderings. This tradition is an echo of pagan traditions that have survived to this day.


After removing the body of the deceased from the room, the cloth can be removed. Some people follow the tradition of keeping all surfaces covered for 9 or even 40 days. Some are sure that it is prohibited not only to open the TV from under the canvas, but also to watch entertainment and entertainment programs. This is often done as a tribute to the deceased. Finding out news on television is not prohibited. In addition, they try to make the sound quieter, again, out of respect.

Attention! The reasons for banning TV viewing are also related to morality and ethics. After a person has died, it takes time to mourn him and, accordingly, watching entertainment programs will not be appropriate.

The opinion of the priests

The clergy, in response to the question whether it is possible to turn on the TV after a funeral, whether it needs to be covered with cloth, like a mirror, answer this way: covering a mirror surface with cloth, as well as the ban on watching programs after a funeral, are pagan traditions.

After death, the soul has nothing to do with the world, since it goes to heaven. She does not fit into any mirrors and does not remain on the ground to observe human actions.

TV on the wall

Important! The ban on watching programs is connected only from an ethical and moral point of view, with the fact that one cannot watch television programs in tribute to a deceased person. You should mourn him and devote as much time as possible to prayer for him, so that his soul goes to God and all his sins are forgiven.

How many days can you not watch TV?

According to the popular point of view, a 9-day ban on watching TV programs after the funeral of a deceased person is enough. But if a person doubts and believes that the soul of the deceased is nearby, it is better to wait 40 days. According to the clergy, in tribute to the deceased, instead of watching TV, it is better to pray for his repose and atonement for sins for 40 days. However, studying news on television is not prohibited.

TV remote control

In general, watching TV after a funeral is everyone's business. The clergy insist that all traditions associated with funerals are echoes of paganism and have nothing to do with Christianity. This means that watching TV is not prohibited. From a popular point of view, it is better to wait 9 or 40 days.

Comments and feedback:

You can do whatever you want after the funeral, even dance with tambourines and orgies... But how will it look from the outside? People buried a relative and immediately started dancing?


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