Why older people need to watch less TV

People of retirement age often spend all their time in front of the TV. In some apartments this device works almost all day. The inhabitants of such a home get used to having a “TV box” that is always on. They not only talk with presenters or TV characters and keep up with their lives, but they also lose their sense of proportion and watch literally everything.

Why older people need to watch less TV

True, there is a special “Moscow fashion” among the elderly (and not only!). Her supporters don't watch TV shows. This metropolitan trend appeared about a decade ago. Gradually it covers other cities and other populated areas. The explanation for this lies in the content of the programs. Viewers often get annoyed by the excessive amount of advertising and plots that are far from real life, and look for and find other leisure options. Unfortunately, these options often come with additional costs.

Therefore, those who have very little money have no choice. Elderly people and those with limited physical capabilities are forced to watch what the creators of TV channels impose on them. And this does not benefit them! This is the opinion of scientists!

Why spending long periods of time watching TV is bad for older people

Scientists from different countries are studying the effect of prolonged exposure to television on a person’s well-being and health. The results cannot be called joyful.

harm from TV

Brain activity deteriorates, there is a threat of dementia

REFERENCE! Japanese neuroscientist and neurosurgeon Takashi Tsukiyama has proven that sitting in front of the TV for a long time is very harmful.

Spending your free time on the Internet on a computer or with a smartphone is no less destructive to your health. People who often stare at small flat surfaces for long periods of time, neglect their household chores, and spend little time outdoors are at risk of symptoms of dementia.

Not only pensioners, but also people of working age are at risk. All of them must urgently change their wrong lifestyle. Otherwise, significant deterioration in intelligence is likely.

IMPORTANT! To make the brain work, special exercises are needed. Symptoms of dementia occur in those who neglect their eye movements.

You need to often look at three-dimensional real objects. You can train your brain not only with the help of vision, but also with the help of hearing. Then the harmful influence can be neutralized at least a little.

Memory suffers, feeling of stress arises

opinion of scientistsREFERENCE! British scientists have also identified the harmful effects of television. It impairs memory and mental acuity. Scientists have noticed that television exposes its audience to constant stress.

This condition is caused by scenes of violence and other similar episodes. The consequences are dire - hormones are produced that negatively affect the activity of the memory center in the brain.

IMPORTANT! The problem is also that the audience is passive. They practically do not interact with the TV.

Nodding your head as a sign of agreement or disagreement, muttering or making remarks towards the “box” do not count! Because there is no direct communication! During such communication, an elderly person formulates sentences, speaks his thoughts out loud, trying to be convincing. This strengthens memory, preserves the ability to think logically and reason.

Scientists continue observations and experiments. They are trying to understand what leads to memory and cognitive degeneration and how it can be combated. And viewers should adjust their regime now. After all, this will help them feel better.

How to fill your free time from TV

But what about the elderly, for whom the TV has become the only interlocutor and guest in the house? We will have to remind ourselves that the parents of today's retirees did not have this opportunity. And they found something to do to brighten up their leisure time!

active longevity

  • Review your phone books. Surely you have something to talk about with your family and friends! Restore communication with them, make it regular! Perhaps for some of them your call is vital!
  • If your health allows, offer your help in caring for your grandchildren. Picking up from kindergarten, leisurely walking through the park, looking at everything around - parents usually don’t have enough time for this. They will probably be glad to have your help.
  • Of course, summer residents do not need our advice. What if you don’t have a plot? So what! You can and should still go for a walk! Park or square, street or yard - take a walk! Every day!
  • Home hobbies and handicrafts (sewing, knitting, embroidery), reading, photography and other enjoyable activities for which you previously did not have enough time will help diversify your leisure time.
  • Today, many localities already have active longevity groups.Find out about them and become a member of such groups. And if there isn’t one, become its organizer! You will definitely succeed!
  • Your city or town probably hosts many interesting events and celebrations. You've seen them on television news programs, haven't you? Many of them do not require viewers to pay. Become a participant, it's interesting, especially since only a small part of the action gets on the screen!

As you can see, life exists beyond the television screen! Listen to the opinion of scientists and conduct your own experiment for at least a month. Reduce TV viewing and pay attention to your well-being. And in the TV program, choose only the most interesting. Be healthy and independent from television!

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