Why is there no sound on the TV?

The great Lenin also said that cinema is the most important art among all others. We continue to follow this covenant even now, although cinemas have been replaced by televisions. But bad luck, these friends of ours sometimes let us down at the most inopportune moments. One of the troubles they can cause us is loss of sound.

The main reasons for the lack of sound on TV

 no sound on TVDuring their practice, most TV experts have developed some kind of statistics on the reasons for the disappearance of sound on a television receiver. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • the audio card burned out due to power surges;
  • the speaker or headphone jack is broken;
  • cracks have appeared in the contacts;
  • there are problems with the radio channel control processor;
  • The HDMI cable is not connected correctly or the appropriate settings have not been made.

There are times when the audio signal does not disappear completely, but it comes with noise and noticeably deteriorated quality. This is a sign that there are problems with some of the TV receiver systems.

Reasons for the sudden disappearance of sound during operation of the television receiver

 no sound on TVSometimes it happens that while watching an interesting movie or program, the sound suddenly disappears. This is a clear sign that there is a problem with the chip.If you remove it from the case, it will smell distinctly of burning.

In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately turn off the power to the device so that it does not catch fire. You won’t be able to fix it yourself, so you need to call a technician or take the TV to a repair shop. With such breakdowns, old models of picture tubes sometimes even exploded. Most likely, the cause of this breakdown was network overload, which resulted in the microboard burning out.

What to do if there is no sound when you turn on the TV receiver

 no sound on TVWhy is there no sound on the TV? Sometimes troubles begin when you turn on the TV set. There is a picture, but there is no sound attached to it.

Try turning off the TV and turning it on again. If a miracle does not happen, then we look for problems further. Turn on the headphones and listen to see if there is sound. If there are no breakdowns in the connectors themselves, then the whole problem is in the speakers, which could easily have exhausted their service life. If such a breakdown occurs with a new TV, then most likely it was a defect during assembly at the factory or damage occurred during transportation.

A similar situation may arise in the place where the cable is connected; there is not always good contact there. Another reason, although not the most common, is partial cable failure.

If the sound on the TV appears late, then the reason lies in loose connectors, poor-quality contacts and equally poor-quality speakers. Failed elements must be replaced.

What to do if the sound is very quiet

quiet sound on TVIf you try to turn up the volume of the program you like, but nothing happens, then the problem lies in a faulty radio channel or in the control processor.

If the TV is connected to a computer, then first check the computer itself. The volume may be turned down on your computer. If the problem is not with the computer, there is only one way out - contact a service center. The technicians working there will diagnose and fix problems.

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