Is it possible to store a TV on the balcony in winter?

Is it possible to store a TV on the balcony in winter?A balcony or loggia in an apartment is a good way to expand the living space. Many people insulate it and combine it with the room. Some people use it as a place to relax or dry laundry. And some turn the balcony into a storage space. And after some time, everything begins to be stored on it: toys, skis, various sports equipment, cans of canned food and, of course, household appliances. A large number of apartment owners believe that there is no danger for household appliances stored on the balcony, especially if the balcony is glazed, it will not be exposed to the cold.

At what temperature can an LCD TV be stored?

Old CRT TV receivers did not tolerate temperature changes, like the first LCD monitors. When stored for a long time at sub-zero temperatures, they began to lose the clarity and brightness of the transmitted image.

Modern TV models are quite frost-resistant when stored and transported at low temperatures.

IMPORTANT. Before leaving the TV on a balcony or other unheated room, it is advisable to read the operating instructions supplied with it.

However, as a rule, the instructions indicate only the maximum temperatures at which the operation of TV receivers is allowed.Typically, the lower limits at which TV receivers are allowed to operate range from 0 to minus 5 degrees.

Few manufacturing companies indicate all temperature conditions and humidity.

CRT monitors:

  • Temperature: 5°C ~ +40°C (operation), –20°C ~ +60°C (storage).
  • Humidity: 10% ~ 80% (operation), 10% ~ 90% (storage).

LCD monitors:

  • Temperature: 5°C ~ +35°C (operation), –10°C ~ +50°C (storage).
  • Humidity: 10% ~ 85% (operation), 15% ~ 85% (storage).

PDP monitors

  • Temperature: 5°C ~ +35°C (operation), –15°C ~ +60°C (storage).
  • Humidity: 20% ~ 80% (operation), 20% ~ 90% (storage).

As can be seen from the list, storage at sub-zero temperatures is allowed. However, if the temperature is significantly lower than specified, then it is advisable not to leave the TVs for a long time. Typically, the cause of equipment failure is not sub-zero temperatures, but dampness and possible condensation. Therefore, if there is no way out and the TV receiver still needs to be left on the balcony or dacha, you need to protect the TV receiver from possible moisture accumulation on the internal parts.

Is it possible to store an LCD TV on the balcony in winter?

Very often, balconies are used as places to store things. A situation may arise when you need to make repairs in the room, but there is nowhere to put things and they are also sent to the loggia. Many apartment owners make a competent storage system and create the necessary conditions that allow things to winter on the balconies.

If necessary, you can leave the TV on the balcony. However, it is advisable to organize a place where he will wait out the winter. This could be a special wardrobe - a compartment.It will not only accommodate a lot of things, but will also give the balcony an aesthetic appearance, since things will not be piled up haphazardly. If it is not possible to build furniture for storing things on the loggia, then it is advisable to store the TV receiver in its original packaging. It will protect the TV from various debris and protect it from mechanical damage. It is not advisable to store in plastic bags. This can lead to the accumulation of liquid, which negatively affects the TV receiver and can lead to its failure.

If the loggia or balcony is glazed, then they must be regularly ventilated so that excessive humidity does not arise in them. Thus, you can store any things on the balcony. It is advisable to make a good storage system that will prevent clutter in the room and prevent possible damage to things. The most ideal option would be to glaze and insulate the loggia, then you won’t have to worry about the safety of your TV and other household appliances.

Is it possible to leave a TV at the dacha in winter?

A dacha is a second home where a lot of time is spent. Therefore, it is often furnished like ordinary housing. This includes the delivery of necessary household appliances. After the end of the dacha season, many people wonder about storing equipment at the dacha, because it is not very convenient to transport it back and forth, and in winter many summer residents go on holiday outside the city. Country houses are protected from wind and other adverse environmental conditions, which allows you to store various household appliances in them. If the TV receiver remains to spend the winter at the dacha, then it is necessary to create favorable conditions. It should not be packed in a bag. This leads to the formation of condensation.

The ideal option would be to cover it with a blanket or blanket. This will protect the TV from dust settling and will not allow insects to harm it. It is also necessary to ensure a constant temperature regime; household appliances do not like temperature changes. For fire safety purposes, all equipment must be completely de-energized. The TV receiver also needs to be protected from thieves. To do this, you need to install reliable locks on all doors.

Wherever the TV is stored, on the balcony or in the country house, the most important thing is to prevent the possible formation of moisture on its internal parts. It is also worth remembering that before using the LCD receiver, you must wait several hours until it warms up to room temperature.

Is it possible to store a TV in the country house?

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