Who produces matrices for LCD TVs

Matrixes for LCD TVsThere are a huge number of companies creating matrices. But not all of them do their job efficiently. Therefore, it is advisable to choose products from one of the world's brands. Although they occupy the leading positions, this does not mean that their matrices will be more expensive than those of other manufacturers. You can find an economical option.

Who produces matrices for LCD TVs

Matrices are produced by popular companies that make household appliances. The list of products includes not only televisions, but also other household appliances. There are several manufacturing companies that are very famous in the world (almost everyone has heard these names). This was achieved thanks to good quality and large sales numbers.

Popular companies

A list of the most popular companies that produce matrices has been created.


For several decades now, the brand has occupied one of the leading places in the top. Stability in high quality appeared in the last century, when only kinescope models were produced. Even then, Sony entered the ranking and remains there to this day. Among the advantages are:

  1. A large number of models with different diagonals.
  2. Various types of matrices, with high refresh rates.
  3. High quality picture.
  4. Supports images whose brightness goes beyond standard technology.
  5. Thoughtful design. It is possible to hide the wires inside the stand and many other solutions.

Matrixes for LCD TVs

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. High cost of models.The reason is that the highest quality products were used during development, and the work was done by professionals.
  2. In most smart models, functions are configured for paid services.


The company is even more famous than Sony. But if you compare the image quality, the latest brand is better. Advantages:

  1. Convenient Smart-TV platforms, with the ability to control via remote control. If the platform becomes outdated, it can be updated.
  2. Large selection of products.
  3. Produces images that are brighter than standard values.
  4. Ideal viewing angle.
  5. Dolby Atmos support (allows you to improve sound quality several times).
  6. Affordable price. You can find a good TV on a minimal budget.

Matrixes for LCD TVs


  1. Many models do not have a headphone jack.
  2. If there is insufficient memory, the image may slow down when watching a movie from the Internet.


This company is the most famous in the world. If we compare the number of TVs purchased by people, this company has been ranked first for the last few years. The advantages of the brand are as follows:

  1. Huge assortment.
  2. Improved image transmission technologies.
  3. Affordable price. You can find a good model with a minimal budget.
  4. Low video latency.
  5. TVs are easy to use, all settings are convenient and clear.
  6. Ability to switch channels by voice.


  1. There are models whose prices are too high.
  2. TVs assembled in Russia cannot always boast of excellent quality.

Matrixes for LCD TVs

The highest quality matrices for LCD

Among the highest quality matrices are:

  1. Samsung.
  2. LG.
  3. Sony.
  4. Panasonic.

But there are some brands that are considered leaders in terms of price-quality ratio. Among them:

  1. Supra.
  2. Philips.
  3. Thomson.

The matrix is ​​the most important element of the TV, so the choice must be taken responsibly.

Comments and feedback:

What nonsense? LCD matrices are made only by Samsung and LG from this list.
The rest produce TV from these (and others, for example AOC and Sharp) matrices.


Moreover, it’s nonsense that LG is a more famous brand than Sony?!!! Shows better?!!! The author is clearly not even close to the topic, there is no point in taking on a burden beyond his strength, or rather, beyond his experience and knowledge.


I don’t understand, do Sony make their own matrices or not?


They do, but not enough.

Yuri Vladimirovich

The matrices, and high-quality ones at that, were made by Sharp; they were installed in more expensive TV models.
And cheaper ones were installed by LG and Samsung. - In any case, Philips did exactly that.


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