Which TV to choose for ps4 pro

In the modern world, game consoles are beginning to, if not displace, then compete very closely with conventional computers. Keeping a console at home is considered a necessity for many people who even have a powerful gaming computer. This is due, first of all, to the different sensations of playing on a game console - a completely different control system, the ability to play while lying on the couch in front of a huge TV, access to games for two.

By the way, after purchasing a console (let’s take the now popular ps4 pro as an example), a rather important question arises - which TV to choose for ps4 pro? You need to understand that this device from Sony has quite high requirements for a TV receiver, so the choice should be approached with due attention and responsibility.

What diagonal should a TV for ps4 pro have?

Which TV to choose for ps4 proWhen choosing a TV based on this parameter, you must take into account the fact that during gameplay it is extremely undesirable to turn your head to different angles of the screen. This is an important tip for fans of huge TVs. Despite the immersive effect that occurs when playing on such a screen, a negative effect on the eyes will still appear, and a lot will be missed if the entire screen is not in the field of view. For an average room, a plasma with a diagonal of 40-42 inches is ideal - this is an average value that will ensure comfortable gaming at a safe distance from the screen.If the room is quite spacious (for example, a living room), and the sofa or armchairs are located at a large distance from the TV, then it makes sense to consider a slightly larger screen diagonal.

What should the TV sound like for ps4 pro?

Which TV to choose for ps4 proWhich TV to choose for PS4? Sound is not considered an important factor when choosing a TV. It is also recommended to purchase additional equipment (soundbar, sound system, home theater), but to do this you need to check whether the equipment has a sufficient number of connectors for additional equipment in addition to the set-top box itself.

If additional expenses are not included in your budget, then you should choose an option that will have at least four speakers of sufficient size, but current TVs do not reproduce low frequencies well, which will not allow you to get maximum pleasure from the gameplay. You can also ask consultants to bring documents for the equipment you are comparing - you should take the one with the highest sound intensity. This characteristic is indicated under the letter I.

What resolution TV is suitable for ps4 pro

Which TV to choose for ps4 proWhich TV to choose for ps4 pro 2018? At the moment, all modern game consoles support the 1920x1080 format, this is the standard resolution. From this we can conclude that the plasma must have the appropriate Full HD resolution. There should be no problems with this, since the vast majority of modern TVs on sale support the specified format, if not higher.

These are tips for choosing a TV based only on its main characteristics. However, they are also the most important for ensuring a comfortable gaming experience. We hope that our tips will help you purchase the best TV for an enjoyable game on the PS4 pro console.

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