Which TVs accept digital television without a set-top box?

Digital television is increasingly winning the hearts of people all over the world. The familiar analog signal will be replaced by a wide-format digital signal. What's the difference between them? The first transmits data continuously at the maximum values ​​of the wave oscillation amplitude, which creates a large scatter, which is fraught with interference on the screen. The second signal is transmitted according to the rules of a discrete function, that is, the oscillations take only certain values. This improves the signal quality, there is no interference on the screen and the data is protected from outside influence or interception.

Digital television has made it possible to watch programs in a new format, the image quality is several times better than that of analog television. Some modern channels broadcast video in HD quality.

What is a digital tuner

digital tunerTo receive digital video on your TV, you need to install additional equipment:

  • a special antenna (can be a satellite dish) that will receive a digital signal or cable (fiber optic, twisted pair);
  • a receiver (tuner) that decrypts digital data and transmits it to the TV (can be built into the TV).

A TV tuner is a special receiver designed to receive and decode data signals in various formats, with information displayed on the screen. Can capture video and radio digital waves. Available as a separate device or a microcircuit built into a TV or computer.

Receivers are classified according to a number of parameters:

  • to support television signal standards;
  • by the method of connection to a PC or TV;
  • on interaction with operating systems.

The tuner accepts several digital stream formats (data given for Russia):

  1. DVB-T, DVB-T2 works with over-the-air broadcasting.
  2. DVB-C is intended for cable television.
  3. DVB-S, DVB-S2 - designed to receive a signal via a satellite dish.

There are many models of digital set-top boxes on the market. They differ in cost, functionality, and design. Still, the main task of the receiver is to receive data in DVB-T2 format; all devices fulfill this goal.

Each receiver has a USB port (the number of connectors depends on the cost). This makes it possible to connect storage devices (removable hard drives, flash drives, mobile devices) and watch videos directly from them.

In more expensive models, it is possible to record information from over-the-air television to storage devices.

There are also tuners with the ability to work via the Internet. The connection is made via a twisted pair cable or via a Wi-Fi radio signal. This expands the possibilities for viewing channels that are on the World Wide Web (for example, YouTube).

The latest tuner models have the function of working with Android operating systems. This allows you to broadcast Smart-TV (technology for connecting to a network of televisions via mobile devices or PCs).

To choose a set-top box for watching programs (there are 20 free digital broadcasting channels in Russia), you need to decide on the functionality of the receiver. What actions should the tuner perform, what signal will the device receive? Does the cost of the set (set-top boxes and antenna) affect the choice of item?

It is important to remember which signal will be broadcast and processed by the device. Mostly television programs are received in MPEG-4 quality, but some large companies are switching to HD format.

There are receivers built into the TV. They have the same functions as an external decoder.

Which TVs show digital channels without a set-top box?

Which TVs show digital channels without a set-top box?What kind of TV is needed for digital television? In Russia, digital television appeared relatively recently, so citizens rarely think about the possibility of purchasing equipment with some additional functions. You can purchase a screen model with a built-in receiver so as not to buy additional equipment.

There are undoubted leaders in the global TV market that produce models with a built-in decoder card. They work independently, therefore, no additional equipment is required to watch digital television.

The most popular companies whose models after 2015 have a built-in decoding chip:

  • Samsung;
  • LG;
  • Sony;
  • Philips;
  • Apple;
  • Panasonic;
  • Toshiba.

There are other manufacturers, but the availability of additional capabilities needs to be clarified.

IMPORTANT: besides Apple, which are compatible only with equipment of their own brand, other companies produce universal TVs. These brands can work with devices from any other company (excluding Apple).

Which TVs have a digital tuner? Developers annually try to make life easier for users. The more modern the model, the more programs and capabilities it has.

Which TV models support digital television? The presence of a built-in tuner does not guarantee viewing of over-the-air broadcasts. When choosing, you need to clarify the data transmission standards (for a simple antenna, satellite or cable TV).

Do all TVs support digital television?

TV for digital televisionWhat should a TV be like for digital television? It should be noted that not all TVs can receive a digital signal, even modern models. Old screens equipped with a kinescope or ray tube receive only analog signals. They will not receive a digital signal without a receiver.

IMPORTANT: before purchasing external equipment for older models, you should make sure that the connector meets modern standards. In simple words, after purchasing a set-top box, the cable may not fit into the receiving holes in the TV. This rarely happens because the slot for a regular antenna is used.

Which TVs support digital television without a set-top box? The ability to work with digital video has been in development since 1990, but the first digital TV models appeared in 2004. They were very rare and expensive.

Which TVs receive digital television without a set-top box? Plasma and liquid crystal models began to be mass produced complete with decoders later than 2010. In Russia, similar screens appeared later than 2013.

Today, almost every screen supports the ability to receive digital data. Exceptions are inexpensive models with a minimum set of functions.

IMPORTANT: it is necessary to remember that there are a number of countries in which terrestrial digital TV is broadcast in different bands than in Russia. For example, in America it is ATSC, in Japan and South America it is ISDB-T, and in neighboring China it is DTMB. In European countries, the broadcast channel is broadcast in DVB-T (an outdated format, but there are companies that broadcast on it) and DVB-T2. Russia uses DVB-T2 frequency.

When buying a TV outside Russia, you must choose a model with DVB-T2 support.

How to tell if your TV has DVB-T2

TV DVB-T2Which TVs accept digital signals without a set-top box? When choosing a TV (or checking an existing TV for the presence of a tuner), you need to look at the parameters in the instructions for the device. It is also possible to find a description of the model on the Internet. For example, on the official website of the manufacturer. For this manipulation you need to find the make and model of the TV. On the device, the model is indicated on the back of the screen.

IMPORTANT: identify the label correctly. If you choose a TV with DVB-T support, it will not work on the DVB-T2 format. An error in one number can become an unpleasant discovery in the future.

There are also differences in the decoder itself: whether it will work from a satellite dish (these are waves with a characteristic - DVB-S or DVB-S2). For cable digital television, you must have a tuner that decodes DVB-C information. Or the consumer will be content with regular broadcasting on the DVB-T2 wavelength.

In specialized stores, the main parameters are indicated on the price tag, and information can also be clarified with a consultant.

In the case when all identification marks and the instructions itself are lost, then you can check the presence of the receiver by scanning the channels. This requires an antenna.It is easy to distinguish digital broadcasting from analogue: the first has excellent quality, the name of the channel is shown, as well as the previous and subsequent channels.

Why DVB-T2 beats the set-top box

Why DVB-T2 beats the set-top boxWhich TVs don't need a set-top box? Some people, before purchasing a digital television set, wonder: what is better - a built-in tuner or an external set-top box. The embedded microcircuit has a number of advantages:

  1. The signal is processed faster. The video sequence does not “stick”, the pictures do not jump. There is no interference that occurs in the cable between the set-top box and the TV.
  2. Quick channel setup. To work, you need to go to the TV settings, connect the antenna, and start scanning. With a peripheral tuner, you need to set up a connection to the TV.
  3. One remote control is used instead of two. On the receiver, channels are switched with its own remote control, which is not entirely user-friendly. The sound is controlled by the TV remote control. There are universal devices, but this is an additional expense.
  4. No extra wires. The external tuner uses an additional socket.
  5. The external decoder must be located within the range of the remote control. For example, if the screen is mounted on the wall, then you need to install the console not far from it (sometimes an additional shelf is required).
  6. If you buy a TV and an external receiver, it will cost more than a screen with a built-in tuner.

It is profitable to buy a set-top box when you already have a TV itself, but without the support of a digital decoder.

IMPORTANT: you should not buy a microcircuit in order to integrate it into your TV. It is impossible to do this without special equipment and knowledge.

Of course, an external decoder also has advantages. For example, it powers the antenna itself.

Comments and feedback:

If possible, I would like to receive an overview of all new products on the market


Good morning Vladimir Batkovich! I have a TV from the VVK company, model LD1506SI, produced in 2007. According to all laws, it SHOULD NOT RECEIVE A DIGITAL SIGNAL and according to the brand of the TV, there is no reception of a DTB-T2 signal, but it continues to work after April 15th. Began to FIND OUT THE REASON. The letters A next to the program logo are NO, although there is no DTB-T2 signal reception. Help me to understand. What's the matter?

Valery Nikolaevich

Depending on where you live, for example in the Sverdlovsk region, only after June 3 the figure will be


We have an old TV from 2009, with a picture tube. Now it does not show due to the analogue TV being turned off. Do we need to buy a set-top box in order to watch this TV?


    Hello, Elena! Depends on the console model. It’s better to ask this question at a store that sells TV set-top boxes

    Vladislava Zaitseva (Administrator)

Hello, Vladislava! I just wanted to know, do we need to buy a set-top box, or can we set up this TV without a set-top box?


    Depends on the model of your TV, it is better to contact a specialist in your city

    Vladislava Zaitseva (Administrator)

Good afternoon I have a Panasonic TS21-L3R TV at my dacha, it is clear that it cannot receive a digital signal.Will this TV work with a set-top box? The fact is that there is an AV input, but only without dividing the audio into right and left channels, i.e. one video input and one audio input. Is it worth buying a digital set-top box?


    Hello Anatoly! Please contact a specialist or the seller of set-top boxes with this question, there you will receive more accurate information

    Vladislava Zaitseva (Administrator)

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