How to check your TV for dead pixels

Dead pixels on TVPixels are the dots that create an image. The most important characteristic of a pixel is its ability to change colors. Thanks to the electricity supplied to the TV, microelements are able to change their position. But there are also dead pixels. They are almost invisible, but when viewing, discomfort appears, since the dots stand out against the background of the picture.

How to check your TV for dead pixels

To check for dead pixels, you can conduct a test using several photos of the same tone. To do this we do the following:

  1. We find or download the necessary photos.
  2. Let's save them to a USB drive.
  3. We connect the flash drive through the appropriate port.
  4. Launches the image. You can see dead pixels on them.

If we need to find white pixels, we use a black background, and for black ones, we use a white background. For red, blue and green - contrast backgrounds.

Advice! If several of them are located very close to each other, you will notice a spot that is not imaged.

Dead pixels on TV

Inspection during the selection process

Some stores allow you to inspect your TV for dead pixels before purchasing. The workers do this themselves, but charge a fee for the services. The way they work is the same, they use monochromatic pictures.

Note! You should only use the store's services when purchasing 4K TVs. In other models you can do this yourself. If there are defects, the company has no right to refuse replacement or repair.

With 4K TVs everything is different. They have several million raster points. Sometimes it is impossible to notice those that are not working, even when checking through monochromatic photographs. Here you should use the services of workers.

Note! When viewing in a store, replacement is possible even if their quantity is below the established limit (the TV works without problems). But if you have already bought the device, brought it home, and only discovered it, the store has the right to refuse free repair (this only applies to cases where the number of dead pixels is acceptable).

Dead pixels on TV

Allowable number of dead pixels

The instructions that are sold with the TV should indicate how many broken dots are allowed. As soon as their limit becomes higher than the permissible norm, the device is considered damaged. Most often, we buy TVs without defects, but the problem arises during operation. Therefore, the seller is obliged to provide a guarantee that provides free repairs.

Dead pixels on TV

Why do they appear

There are a number of reasons why such defects may appear:

  1. The matrix is ​​constantly overheating or overcooling. Temperature changes cause the pixels to harden and become unable to move.
  2. High humidity. When water gets on the screen substrate, illuminated dots appear.
  3. Constant voltage drops. If there are problems with the electrical network, the transistor may fail. As a result, the current flowing to the pixels will cause them to adopt a fixed position.
  4. Manufacturing defects. Most often, they appear not during the process of creating a device, but during the process of testing it for functionality (for the three reasons listed above). This is why it is so important to check TVs before purchasing.
  5. If the monitor displays an image for a long time (several hours) without changing it. This will lead to the transistor burning out, and subsequently to the dots freezing. Even the most modern devices often break down for this reason.
  6. Damage during shipping. Before using the TV, it is brought home. You need to be careful when transporting, small shocks or pressure can damage several pixels.

Dead pixels on TV

Is it possible to restore dead pixels?

Some color TVs are made in such a way that this criterion can be restored at home (this applies to the Samsung brand). There are two ways:

  1. A video is downloaded on the Internet, the purpose of which is to warm up the matrix. This roller should run for about an hour and the warming up will help repair the broken spots.
  2. Take a cotton swab and press on the damaged area. Do not overdo it, as applying too much pressure may cause more dead pixels.
  3. If these methods don't work, you need to take your TV to an expert. He can fix it.

Before buying a TV, you must check all parameters. This will protect you from unnecessary nerves and unexpected expenses in the future.

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