How to check the TV power supply

TV power supply.The achievements in the production of modern household appliances are amazing. Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine a house in which there would be no television and other technical devices. But over time, any equipment can fail. One of the most important parts of a TV is the power supply, which is a complex structure. Good quality of sound, image and normal functioning in general depend on it. Possible problems with this element of the TV receiver are difficult to solve and it is not always possible to fix them yourself. You can contact the technical support center or have everything repaired under warranty. But some people prefer to figure things out on their own.

The design and principle of operation of the TV power supply

Before you begin troubleshooting the power supply, you need to understand its internal structure and operating principle. This element itself is a complex mechanism that regulates the supply of current and adjusts the voltage throughout the entire electrical appliance. It is thanks to it that normal energy consumption and the operation of the TV as a whole are ensured.

Nowadays, manufacturers are thinking through various options for completing a switching power supply.This is done in order to ensure safety and reliable transmission of electric current even under conditions of extreme voltage fluctuations. But often this does not justify itself, and adding additional parts not only does not make the design more reliable, but also creates additional weak points, and also complicates the repair of equipment. Therefore, it is best to use simple devices that are easier to operate. And it is advisable to have a connection diagram with you, with which you can understand the possible sources of the problem.

Main parts of the power supply:

  • input voltage reduction and rectification system, consisting of a different amount of winding depending on the power of the current source;
  • a special filter capacitor that smooths out differences in direct and current at the input;
  • output voltage stabilization system, which includes a special microcircuit.

Main parts of the power supply.

Based on the components included in the standard power supply, you can understand the principle of its operation, which consists of several successive stages:

  1. The input voltage coming from an external source is equalized to acceptable values ​​for a particular electrical appliance.
  2. Then signals are generated, the approximate frequency of which varies between 10–100 kHz.
  3. Changing the pulse frequency to the required values.
  4. After this, the already received voltage is equalized and filtered directly inside the UPS.

Power supply diagram.

Having carefully studied the main elements and understood the principle of operation of the device, you can begin troubleshooting and troubleshooting.

IMPORTANT! If you have doubts about the possibility of repair, it is better to contact specialists for help, since there is a risk of damage to the unit.

Possible malfunctions of the TV power supply

The complex operating system and many components make it difficult to troubleshoot the power supply. This is easier to do if you have an idea of ​​the operating principle of such devices. It is also useful to use a diagram of the electrical circuit used in the device.


If you don’t have it on hand, you can use a general inspection and problem detection plan. The most common causes of failure are the following:

  • fuse is blown;
  • there was a power failure due to overheating or mechanical damage to the microcircuits;
  • the current supply is interrupted due to the activation of the safety system;
  • the main transistor in the device burned out;
  • the voltage in the circuit exceeds the permissible limits;
  • any component of the electrical appliance has failed.

Checking the health of the power supply.

IMPORTANT! The main negative factor leading to breakdown is overheating - due to high temperatures and violation of operating conditions.

How to check the power supply

In order to correctly carry out the check for the purpose of further contacting a service center or self-repair, it is necessary to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Unplug your TV.
  2. Discharge the capacitor located in the housing.
  3. After this, carefully remove the board from the TV case.
  4. Inspect it and visually assess the presence of possible defects.
  5. Using a multimeter, check the serviceability of all components of the electrical circuit.
  6. You should also carefully inspect the back surface of the board.

Where is the power supply located on the TV?

If, during an external inspection, obvious signs of breakdown were noticed, most likely, the cause can be eliminated by simply replacing the components with new ones.

More complex manipulations will require special skills, so it is best to contact a specialist who understands this. Further work will consist of a special and high-precision voltage test along the entire circuit. This is associated with a risk to life and health, so it would be safer and more reliable to entrust the equipment to a specialist.

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