How to connect a keyboard to a TV

How to connect a keyboard to a TVProgress has come so far that the latest TV models can be used both to watch TV channels and to work like a real computer. Large flat screens can now be connected to both a keyboard and a mouse, making them versatile devices that can perform a huge number of functions. So how do you properly connect your mouse and keyboard? What difficulties can you encounter during the process and how to prevent mistakes that will lead to breakdown of the unit?

How to connect a keyboard and mouse to a TV

Please note that not just any mouse and keyboard will work with the TV. It is worth checking the compatibility of devices in advance, but most modern models will still connect to a large screen without any problems.

The procedure is extremely simple and will not raise questions even for those users who are not very well versed in technology. You just need to insert the plug of the device into the desired USB connector. The process is identical to connecting the same attributes to a simple computer or laptop, so finding a suitable socket is not difficult; it is familiar to anyone who has ever used a full-fledged computer.

Control the TV via keyboard and mouse.

After the above steps have been completed, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen.If the connection is successful, the keyboard and mouse will be ready for use, which will be indicated by an alert. Devices may not be fully supported, for example, they may work in some applications and “ignore” others. It depends on the manufacturer, TV model and many other factors.

If you need to change any settings, you can easily do this by going to the “Device Manager” section. There you will find mouse options and keyboard options, which in most cases remain standard and familiar to all users.

How to connect a wireless keyboard

One of the most popular and convenient devices in recent years has been a wireless keyboard that connects via Bluetooth.

Such a device can also be connected to a TV, which will make operation even more comfortable. After all, a large screen requires working at a greater distance from the TV, so that you can see everything that is depicted on it without damaging your eyesight. A wireless keyboard that you can use from a few meters away from the screen is ideal.

In order to connect it, you need to go again to the “Device Manager”, which is located in the “System” folder of the main menu. In it you can find the “Add Bluetooth keyboard” button, after which the search for the device’s signal will begin. When it is found, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen asking you to connect. Then all that remains is to confirm the action and you can start using the device.

Connecting a mouse via bluetooth to a TV.

IMPORTANT! There are also wireless mice that work via Bluetooth. They are also easy to connect to your TV screen.This is done in the same section of the menu as connecting the keyboard, so there will be no difficulties with the connection.

Why do you need to connect a keyboard?

Some users do not know about the functionality of the keyboard connected to the TV, so they do not understand why it is needed.

It is enough to evaluate ease of use once to start doing it constantly. For example, almost all modern models have a smart TV, which implies the presence of a browser identical to the one found in a simple computer. To search for information in it or even access social networks, you will definitely need a keyboard, because controlling what is happening on the screen only using the remote control will not be very convenient, in addition, it will be several times slower.

Despite the fact that with such a connection, the functions of the device will be slightly limited, they are quite sufficient for the average person who is not going to replace the laptop with a TV.

Why do you need to connect the keyboard to the TV?

It is best to connect a branded keyboard, which is made by the same manufacturer as the TV. It has significantly more advantages, because the devices are literally created for each other. This way you can forever forget about restrictions in any built-in applications.

How to choose a keyboard for Smart TV

Although branded devices will certainly be the ideal solution, they are often much more expensive than regular ones. If you don’t want to spend money, you can take a closer look at other models, for example, those that you already have at home.

The main criterion will be the possibility of compatibility. Such information regarding any model can be found on the Internet or checked with the seller in the store.Also, pay attention to the comfort of the keyboard itself - it should be the right size for you, for example, not too bulky or too small. The distance between the keys also plays a huge role.

How to choose a keyboard for Smart TV.

IMPORTANT! Pay attention to the functionality of the available model. If you plan to use only a browser, then almost any one will do, but it may not support some applications. Thus, in order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to determine your needs in advance and choose the device that will satisfy them with maximum results.

If you are going to purchase a regular keyboard and not a wireless one, then also take into account the length of the wire. If suddenly it turns out to be too short, then the money will be thrown away.

The same recommendations should be followed when choosing a wired or Bluetooth mouse. You can do without it, but with this device the operation will be even more comfortable and enjoyable, so the mouse is definitely worth paying attention to.

Now you know how to connect a keyboard and mouse to your TV and what it is for. In the modern world, more and more instruments and devices are appearing that make our lives much easier if we use them wisely and know what each of them is intended for.

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