How to find the TV remote control at home

How to find the remote control at homeFinding the remote control can be a real problem. The reason for this is a complete shift of attention to the TV screen while watching a very interesting film. At such moments, we do not control our movements, and we do not know where we are putting the remote control. And due to its small size, it can fall behind a chair, bed or other places. Therefore, there are some tips that can help you find your lost device.

How to find the TV remote control at home

There are several actions that are performed first during the search process:

  1. Ask relatives. Perhaps one of them has recently used the remote control and knows where it is. Perhaps they saw it recently, or put it somewhere you rarely go.
  2. Find out if anyone took it. For example, a child took it out to play, but did not return it (perhaps he hid it). Another option is that a pet took the device to chew on it. Inspect children's toys.
  3. Ask for help. Finding a device will be several times faster if your friends help you. Find good motivation (for example, watching your favorite movie together). Friends are able to suggest a couple of interesting ideas about a possible location.

How to find the remote control at home

Where to find the TV remote control

There are some places to look first:

  1. Obvious places. In most cases, the remote control is located in the room where we watch TV.We start by searching in the place from which we look at the screen (sofa, chair).
  2. Hidden places. We examine the places where books and magazines are kept. We look under blankets, pillows and bedspreads. Now we look under the furniture, maybe he fell. If you cannot find it, the next step is to search in other rooms that you have visited. If in the kitchen, look on the table or near the kettle. If in the hallway, inspect the shelves and bedside tables.
  3. Try removing all blankets and covers from the bed. If you often watch TV while lying on your bed, chances are it's there. You can try to feel it with your hands, but it will take longer. If it was never found, we look under the bed and around it.
  4. Try to remember all the places in your apartment or house that you visited after the last time you switched channels, and visit them in order. Inspect the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and hallway. If you were in the kitchen and ate something, look for the device inside the refrigerator. And if you were talking on the phone while watching a movie, look next to the phone. If guests come, check the place near the front door.
  5. If it has been lost several times already, inspect the places where it was found previously.

Note! If you decide to remove all the covers and blankets from the bed, you need to be careful. The remote control may be inside the textile product and fall in the process. There is a risk of damage to the device. You need to be careful to notice it in time.

How to find the remote control at home

How to prevent losing your remote control

There are some methods to prevent loss:

  1. Be careful. Try to hold it in your hands and not put it anywhere.
  2. Try to remember where you place the device.
  3. Try making a special place for the remote control. For example, on the table nearby.Place only on this table. Over time, you will become conditioned to put the device there without thinking, and always know where it is.
  4. Buy a special holder. An excellent option would be a combination of the previous and this methods.
  5. If you are not currently using it, attach it to the TV panel.
  6. Try tying a small rope to the remote control. It's hard to lose something like that. It will be even better if the other side of the rope is tied to the TV.
  7. Make your device visible. Glue some accessory to it. For example, a bright sticker. Make it in the shape of a man by adding arms and legs. You can buy a device in bright colors. But do not overdo it, so as not to interfere with ease of use.
  8. If there are several TVs in the house, you should purchase a universal remote control. It is capable of working with several TVs at the same time. And you no longer have to use separate devices.
  9. Attach a GPS tracker. In modern stores you can find trackers powered by smartphones and tablets. GPS will allow you to establish contact between devices. If you are close to it, the smartphone will emit a corresponding signal. And some types of trackers are able to find the remote control, even if it is far from you (in another room). The convenience of this method is that the size of the trackers is small and the price is affordable.
  10. Some modern TVs are equipped with a search function. When you press the corresponding button, music will start playing in the device.
  11. There are keychains that respond to whistling. Buy one and attach it to your device. If you whistle, the remote control will make a certain sound or start flashing.
  12. If you keep losing your remote control, buy a replacement device.It will help if you don’t have time to search (for example, your favorite program will start any minute).

How to find the remote control at home

Attention! This method is suitable not only if you have several TVs. You can buy a universal remote control if you control players or tape recorders remotely.

There are many ways to find the remote control. Start with the places you visit often. Ask your relatives and enlist their help. Or make the device visible.

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