Advantages and disadvantages of a curved TV screen

TV with curved screen.Relatively new trends in TV production include models with curved screens. What does this design feature change? There are many opinions on this matter. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of curved screens and what explains the demand for TV receivers with this feature among buyers.

Curved TV screen: advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the advantages of the unusual shape of the devices:

  1. Gives you a feeling of being immersed in what is happening on the other side of the screen.
  2. Reflects glare well.
  3. Increases field of view.
  4. Has excellent contrast.
  5. Has a modern, stylish appearance.
  6. When viewing in 3D format, it has no equal - the additional image quality technology is definitely ideal.

Large curved screen.

Disadvantages of TV receiver models with a concave screen:

  1. For high-quality viewing, you need to be in a certain area, otherwise the image will be distorted. This disadvantage is especially noticeable when group viewing is required.
  2. Increased thickness and, as a result, the bulkiness of the device.
  3. Presence of curvature effect.
  4. High price.

ATTENTION! Curved TV receivers are more suitable for presentations or exhibitions.For normal viewing, it is better to choose flat models - they are specially designed for home use.

Concave screen as a design solution

The concave TV screen looks unusual in the interior. The only difficulty is that not all professional designers can beautifully and correctly position this TV in the interior of the room.

Curved TV screen in the interior.

Indeed, the concave model looks much more modern than its predecessors with flat screens. But due to the high price, not everyone is able to purchase a popular new product with a curved diagonal. Whether it is worth spending 100 thousand rubles to purchase new technology, everyone decides for themselves.

What is the meaning of diagonal

The diagonal in curved TVs plays a rather important role. The larger it is, the more noticeable is that famous effect of immersion in the reality of what is happening, which is the main advantage of unusual TV receivers. The choice of diagonal for a regular TV depends on the available space. Placing the TV receiver at the correct distance affects health safety while watching. In a small room, installing models with a large diagonal is not recommended.

Diagonal curved screen.

ATTENTION! Even fairly large curved screens - from 70 to 85 inches - have such a low degree of immersion that they are unlikely to meet the expectations of buyers.

Does curvature affect viewing angle?

Curvature significantly affects the viewing angle. As a result, the ideal viewing area for such a TV is very small. Poor visibility, guaranteed when viewed from the sides. This will lead to eye problems. On the other hand, the viewing angle does not affect the faded color background.Perhaps this is the only plus.

Watching curved TV.

Distortion and reflections

Reflection is present in any TV and curvature has nothing to do with it. The higher the contrast of the TV receiver, the less noticeable the glare. To get the maximum reduction in reflections, the only option is to purchase models with matte screens.

To reduce distortion of the displayed picture, curved TVs should be installed correctly so that there are no bright light sources opposite. It is also necessary to ensure that the device is not exposed to sunlight. Additionally, you should try to view programs in minimal lighting.

Does it make sense to buy a TV with a curved screen?

Knowing all the positive and negative sides of curved screens, you should decide on the choice yourself. If the area of ​​the room allows for installing this type of TV and the price is not scary, try to purchase a model of the maximum size.

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