What is plug play on TV

Almost every experienced and inexperienced computer user has heard of Plug&Play. This function has been used on computers and televisions for many years. It is very easy to use and simplifies the use of the device several times. What is this concept and what is the peculiarity of such a function?

Plug&play function on TV - what is it?

Plug-and-Play translated from English means “plug and play.” This feature is available on PCs running Windows operating system. It makes it possible to automatically connect new devices to the computer.


The same function is now available in modern LCD TVs. Plug&Play allows you to quickly connect a set-top box, tuner or speakers to your TV without additional settings or driver installations. The OS independently generates configuration files and recognizes the connected equipment, making the configuration automatic. After connecting, after a couple of minutes you can start using the device.

Important! The Plug-and-Play function is only available on modern TV models.


Until the advent of new technology, to connect another device to your PC or TV. It didn't matter what was connected. All equipment configurations were carried out manually. Because of this, problems often arose with installing other equipment to digital models.


The new Plug&Play technology has made it easier to identify and install new equipment to the TV.All settings are carried out automatically. This saves a lot of time. In addition, the risks of incorrectly connecting or setting up the device are minimized. The whole procedure takes 1-2 minutes, which of course pleases users.

On a note: The PnP standard today supports all external ports, so you can easily install any device.

How and when it appeared

Plug&Play technology first appeared in 1995. It was created by Western Digital developers. The appearance of such a function was not something new at that time, since similar functionality was used on the MCA and EISA buses. After the new PCI bus appeared, Microsoft took up the task of improving the new technology. Plug&Play was first introduced in Windows OS version 98.

when did she appear

In the late 90s, early 2000, the new technology was quite crude and supported only a small list of devices. Over time, its developers began to improve the systems and gradually add new available devices. In the age of telecommunications development, functionality such as PnP began to be introduced into new TVs to simplify the process of connecting other devices (set-top boxes, tuners, flash drives, speakers, modems, etc.) to the equipment.

Basic operating principles

The basic operating principle of PnP technology is as follows: when a simple flash drive or tuner is connected to the TV, the system independently finds new equipment and prepares it for operation. After a couple of minutes, the connected equipment can be used without additional settings on the TV. If the TV has access to the Internet, and a driver must be installed for the connected device. The system does this on its own.It finds a proven safe option and installs it on the operating system. Which is very convenient, especially if the user is not digital savvy.

Plug&Play is a convenient technology for detecting and preparing for use of various equipment connected to a TV or PC. This function is available on modern TVs and computers running Windows.

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