What is LCN on TV
The current level of development of electronic devices, in particular televisions, provides users with a lot of opportunities to adjust them to their preferences. Many TV viewers choose the ten most watched channels from among the many channels, ranking them according to their “rating”. Therefore, it is very important to sort channels so as not to remember the digital code of each of them, and when an advertisement starts, for example, switch to the next one with one click of a button.
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What is LCN on TV
Each digital television service provider assigns serial four-digit numbers to TV channels in the transmitted signal. Therefore, the default channel order is identical for all subscribers. When searching, televisions and digital TV set-top boxes (DVB, T2) order them in ascending order of these numbers, which are called LCN.
LCN (Logical Channel Number) is translated as the logical channel number. Since the beginning of 2012, Roskomnadzor has been trying to regulate the following of TV channels, but given that in Russia there are about 2000 TV providers and more than 300 channels (including regional ones), this is practically impossible to implement. Let us note that the content providers themselves also claim “convenient” LCN numbers - for example, the TNT television company requires that its programs receive LCN number 11 from all providers, but for the majority this number is already occupied, and reconfiguring the equipment is extremely expensive.
REFERENCE! Providers set the LCN sequence according to their vision of the rating, and rigid fixation of numbers does not make sense - users, as a rule, adjust the order of TV channels to suit themselves, and the popularity of channels in different regions varies greatly.
Features of using LCN on a TV
The menus on TVs of different brands are different, so to work with LCN you need to find the appropriate item. In many models, manual shutdown is not required; the order is changed simply by “moving” in the setting mode with the CH+ and CH- buttons. Sometimes you need to disable it manually to set a custom order, or, conversely, set it to the default.
For clarity, we will show what the desired menu item might look like:
ATTENTION! By enabling LCN again, the user loses the previously established order.
Note that in this section of the menu you can set other types of sorting, for example, alphabetically.
So, we see that LCN is just a recommended official order of channels, and any TV viewer can adjust the TV to suit themselves - you just need to explore the menu options or read the instructions.
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