What is the difference between Smart TV and LED TV?
Since TV has recently begun to be used not only for watching programs and movies, but has become a real multifunctional device, we pay special attention to the choice of model. Now on store shelves you can find options of any size, parameters and screen configurations. The image has become more than just a picture, it “immerses you in reality.”
Of course, depending on the set of options, the price of the TV receiver also changes. If you want a model with modern features, be prepared to pay a lot for it. But if average performance is enough for you and you are not chasing the latest technologies, then the average model is perfect. For example, many people believe that certain features are simply not worth the money.
Let's look at two TV models, determine their main advantages and try to choose the best one. Among the top sellers are TVs with LED backlighting and so-called Smart TVs. To see their differences, we will dwell on each option in detail.
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Features of LED TVs
First, let's look at the earliest version of TVs - LED. This type of TV receiver is equipped with a liquid crystal screen, which is illuminated by special diodes. They provide even distribution of light, resulting in a bright and rich image.
There are different versions that use one of the LED backlight options:
- Plain. In this case, white light bulbs are installed. This is the most economical version.
- Tricolor. Consists of primary colors (red, green, blue). This type provides a rich picture, but at the same time requires high energy consumption and power.
- Mixed. This uses LED layering. Diodes of two other colors are attached on top of monochrome blue. This provides excellent quality and does not require large energy consumption.
Also, the quality of the resulting image depends on the uniformity of illumination distribution, which is determined by the location of the LEDs. There are several basic ways to place them.
The first method is called Direct. With this type, diodes are evenly attached over the entire rear surface of the screen. This promotes good lighting and high-quality images.
IMPORTANT! When purchasing, you should pay attention to the number of diodes, the type of their placement and the colors used. It is best to look at the comparative characteristics of the models before purchasing.
There is another Edge option - here the light bulbs are placed around the entire perimeter. Unlike the first, this option allows you to make the screens thin, which creates a convenient and attractive model. However, despite the high cost, the quality leaves much to be desired and does not justify the costs.
What is Smart TV
Now let's turn to more modern developments. Recently, smart technologies have become increasingly popular. They are used in almost all modern devices. Features of Smart TV:
- Smart technology involves combining the functions of a computer and a TV - it turns out that using one screen, you can carry out actions as on a computer only in high resolution and in large format;
- ability to connect to the Internet via cable or Wi-fi source;
- the ability to download applications, films, watch programs online;
- connection to basic service packages;
- the ability to save, transfer and manage downloaded files;
- login to social networks.
All this erases the boundaries between PC and television, as if combining them into a single device. This is really convenient and very useful if you are going to expand the functions of your TV and take advantage of the full range of services offered.
What to choose - TV with Smart TV or LED screen
If you can't decide which model is more suitable, you should pay attention to their comparative characteristics. Among the models of both lines, you can find devices that are of reasonable price and good quality. Sometimes it happens that equipment with the best performance can be even cheaper than a TV from a well-known brand, equipped with many additional functions.
To make a choice, you need to understand the fundamental differences between the two options considered:
- a regular backlit TV is suitable for those who want to get a good image and use the equipment only to watch programs and movies of a standard TV program - if you focus only on picture quality, choose a new generation LED TV that is suitable for the parameters;
- when you need to get additional access to the network and use the entire range of goods and services, it will be more profitable to purchase a Smart TV - in this case, it is also worth paying attention to only the necessary programs and applications, so as not to overpay for unnecessary useless options.
First of all, you should consider your personal preferences. Having familiarized yourself with the features and capabilities of each type of device, all that remains is to choose the optimal combination of price and quality and decide what is more important to you: a good image or interactive add-ons and access to the Internet.
For those who just purchased a TV and subsequently decided to expand the functions of their device to a smart one, there is an excellent solution in terms of purchasing a set-top box. I won't advertise, but this little box allows me to do incredible things on the big screen of my TV. Everyone around you is just going crazy and pestering you with questions: How do you do it?