Antenna short - how to disable it on TV
Sometimes, to receive digital television, in addition to the UHF antenna, you need a receiver, a so-called set-top box, which connects to the TV. A UHF or broadband receiver is suitable as an external antenna; it must be in good working order and work well in the area (it all depends on the landscape and proximity to repeaters). So, the user’s TV is connected to the receiver, and after they are turned on together, the message “Antenna short” appears in the TV menu, which literally means “antenna short circuit”.
Why does this notification appear?
REFERENCE: First of all, you need to understand that antenna receivers can be active and passive.
Active TV antennas require additional power. Passive TV antennas do not need an amplification unit, and some of them are short-circuited and if such power is applied to them, they short-circuit, as a result of which the menu on the TV screen becomes inaccessible for control.
Therefore, a malfunction appears on the TV in the following cases:
- A passive receiver is used, and in the set-top box menu settings the power to the missing amplifier was automatically turned on. There is a solution to this problem, let’s consider what to do:
- Disconnect the receiver.
- Disconnect the plug from the receiver.
- Turn the receiver back on, find the “Settings” section and the “Antenna Power” subsection in the menu, turn off unnecessary power to the antenna receiver.
- Connect the antenna.
- An active receiver is used, the power supply is turned on in the menu, but a short circuit could occur if the amplifier itself fails, this happens, for example, after a thunderstorm. It could also short-circuit the cable itself at the connection points if installed carelessly. Way out of this situation:
- Disconnect power from the console.
- Identify and eliminate the causes of the short circuit.
- Reconnect the set-top box.
ATTENTION. If nothing has changed during the above manipulations, then you just need to change the faulty receiver or television antenna.
1) applied 5 Volts to the antenna socket (using an adapter from a phone, for example, the photo above in this article), to the central contact, naturally, as if in the opposite direction to the set-top box 2) plugged the set-top box into the socket, turned it on 3) let me go to the menu and turn it off antenna power supply, everything is ready 4) disconnected 5 volts……….. (you can take 5 volts from the diode of the power supply; I have 5 volts there, but then I’ll have to disassemble 2 screws :)) set-top box)