Rules for choosing pillows for allergy sufferers

A person needs sound sleep. During this period, a program of general regeneration of the body is launched; if it is violated, chronic fatigue syndrome may appear, a loss of strength may occur, immunity will decrease, and interest in life may be lost. But there is no talk of proper rest if your favorite pillow causes swelling, stuffy nose, cough, itching and fever instead of dreams. This is how allergies manifest themselves. It is called household and makes life very difficult, forcing you to carefully check whether they are hypoallergenic before purchasing bedding.

A man sleeps on a pillow.

What pillows are people allergic to?

For a long time, practically the only option was a feather or down pillow. It was quite comfortable, spacious and, with proper care, lasted ten years or more. But as soon as you were distracted, didn’t dry it on time, put off washing, dust mites and other living creatures immediately started appearing in it.Mites in the feather pillow.

The body’s reaction was manifested by headache, itching, and the eyes began to itch and water. The symptoms are very similar to a cold, but if you felt better outside the home, then one conclusion suggested itself - an allergy to the pillow. Most often, the reaction occurred to wool and fluff. With the advent of synthetic materials, holofiber, synthetic winterizer, and silicone began to be used as fillers. Popular natural substances include:

  • buckwheat husk;
  • latex;
  • bamboo;
  • sheep or camel wool.

Allergies are individual and can occur to any material, but some fillers are more inert and are more likely to be tolerated calmly. I prefer buckwheat husk and holofiber. They performed well when guests arrived, among whom were allergy sufferers. My friends told me which pillows I should pay attention to.

Pillow allergy.

How to choose a pillow for an allergy sufferer

If we formulate the requirements for hypoallergenic pillows, then they should:

  • do not contain materials of animal origin;
  • easy to wash at home;
  • be airtight;
  • do not include glue and dyes;
  • dry quickly and ventilate well;
  • have a dust-repellent effect.

Important! When purchasing, it is better to choose an artificial filler in which insects, mold and mildew do not live in principle.

The relatively new developments are very interesting.

Artificial swan down

So named because of its softness and very low weight. Recommended for children and people with excessive sweating. Dries quickly, does not have a greenhouse effect, does not accumulate dust and unpleasant odors, and is easy to wash. Ticks do not breed in this filler, machine washing is allowed, and the product dries in a few hours.


Soft and elastic, quickly takes a shape convenient for the sleeper and, when shaken, returns to its original volume. It lasts a long time and can withstand several hundred washes. In summer it is not hot on such a pillow. Does not accumulate dust.

Ecofiber pillow.


Externally it resembles hollow elastic balls. The porous structure allows air to pass through, retains heat, repels moisture, and holds its shape. Washable, does not accumulate odors, and is easy to care for. It is not afraid of direct sunlight, the material is fire-resistant and inexpensive.

Relative disadvantages appear in a new pillow with this filler. For several days it smells like synthetics and squeaks; after 1-2 weeks these effects disappear. A pillow with comforter needs to be whipped and shaken daily, otherwise the filling will clump into a lump.

When choosing a pillow, I always look at the composition, level of hardness, care recommendations and give preference to the natural fabric of the cover. Hypoallergenic pillows last about five years, and if the rules of use are followed, even longer, ensuring sound sleep.

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